Chap 13

151 7 4


*I sit in Sasuke emo corner and I wonder how the hell this happened..*

Sasuke:*Sighs* Look "reader" the author is stressed out and when he saw this he freaked now he's in a state of shock.

Sasuke: Alright we get it! Ok reader enjoy the chapter!


The silver-haired man was awake all night, twisting and turning in his bed. He couldn't get any sleep. The next day he got up from his bed and got dressed, after that he headed towards the dining hall. He was really cranky, to the point where he didn't care about the way he was acting and just snapped at anyone. Poor staff, they didn't know what was coming to them.

"Oh good morning Mr.Hata-"

"Oh please spare me the name Krista!"

"Eeeek I'm sorry Sir!"

The little maid scurried off to her girlfriend Ymir who had recently came back to work from an injury that kept her bed bound. This is what happened for a bit while longer until he left the house to go to work.

*Ring* *Ring*


"Ah Mr.Hatake I would like to inform you that you have a day off. "

"Uhh Armin?"

"Yes Sir?"

"But I don't understand why I have a day off. I didn't finish stack 7 yet and I-"

"Don't worry about it sir, it's all been taken care of."

"By who? And don't tell me it's you, because that is just a lie itself.

"Um sir, it was Mr.Umino..."


"Don't worry sir I didn't make Mr.Umini do it, he just came in early this morning to do the paperwork and he left. He was in a really good mood, but I could also tell that he was nervous about something."

"Ok Armin I have to go I'll see you tommorrow."

"Alright bye Mr.-*beep*

The Hatake ends the call and debates on whether to go home and relax or go somewhere. He then passes by a sign that said'

If you have any difficulties with staff call the number listed bellow.
Please call here:

The Hatake laughed at the sign, which clearly stated that it was made by a kid possibly 12 or under.  He finally decided on it, he was going to the Suna Cafe.


Kakashi had just arrived at the Suna Cafe. He walked inside and sat down at one of the tables near the window, he then saw Iruka one of his employees sitting at a table near him, sweating profusely. The Hatake knew that Iruka was on a date by the look of his outfit, literally he was all dressed up for a simple Cafe. The Hatake just sat at his table and thought about what had happened over the past week. First he almost dies, second he learns he has forgotten about an old friend, three said friend risks his life for him, four he still doesn't know who said friend is, five he wants to meet said friend, and six he almost died from a stack of paperwork. Wow what a nice week.

"Um sir.."

The Hatake is then brought back from his thoughts to see a waitress standing in front of him.

{DISCONTINUED} Kakanaru "Your Promise..."Where stories live. Discover now