Chapter 1

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     I gasped. I could remember chunks of the dream. It was something about a building. No, not just any ordinary building, a school in a palace. And something about having sparks on the palms of my hands. But, there was also something about a long, sharp, and shiny blade piercing my chest one inch after the other. Then blood rushes out of my chest and mouth as they pull the sword out. I fell to the ground in one big heap. The blood flowing out of my mouth dripped one by one in a puddle near my mouth. Someone came rushing to me but my vision got into a blur though. Then I died.
    I sat up straight. I looked around my bed looking for blood. But I didnt see a single drop.What happened?! It must be a dream, but, it felt so real! I had to keep myself from wobbling like a maniac from my bed to the bathroom sink. As I coughed at the sink something purple went out of my mouth. I stared at the sink in horror. Before I knew it, I rushed out of my bathroom. I calmed down when I saw mom because I didnt want to alarm her. I gave her my fake smile and walked to the dining table.
     I couldn't finish my breakfast because I was to busy worrying about that dream, and that purple stuff that went out of my mouth. I guess my mom had noticed my face because she asked,"What's wrong, Madeline? Are you worried about going to 1st year High School at a different state?"
     I thought about telling her about the dream and the purple stuff. It wouldn't be bad to tell her, right? Before I even had the time to consider, I found myself telling my mom everything about my dream and the gooey purple stuff that I have no frickin idea what it was.
     After spilling everything out, I looked to see mom's reaction blank. I was about to speak when she walked quickly to the direction of her room without saying a single word. I hurried after her confused. "Mom? Mom, where are you going?" She didn't answer. She continued walking until we reached her room. Then, like I wasn't even there, she slammed the door shut. I stood there speechless, mouth opened wide. Then, I walked to my room, with a billion thoughts in my head.
     I got into bed and pulled up the covers. I checked one last time for any blood, then tucked myself in almost covered my face fully. Once I was tucked under my covers, I whispered,"Don't be scared. I am sure there is an explanation for this, I am sure if it." I don't even care if it is still morning. I'll just sleep the whole time. Once again, I mumbled,"Don't be scared." It took me a few minutes to be more calm in bed, but I still felt worried. I felt inside that something was just not right. But because I had so much worries in my head, I started feeling sleepy and drowsed off to sleep, and I didnt even think of that days nighmares.


Hi guys! This is my first book that I have written so plz dont mind the wrong spelling and grammer. I will edit those when I catch them. ♡♡♡

I know that it is not very long but I will make the other chapters more longer. ♡♡♡

Also if ur wondering when are the updates, it will be every Friday, Saudi time. Sometimes I wont be able to update cuz I am just in Grade 5, so I have school stuff to attend to. ♡♡♡

So hope u guys enjoy my first book! Dont forget to vote and comment!

Two Kingdoms: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now