Chapter 2

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     Don't be scared..... Don't be scared.... Don't be scared..... RING!!!! I sat up. It was the first day of 1st year High school and I am not at all excited with it. I forced myself to get off bed to walk to the kitchen. But I got a message. I thought it was just mom texting from the store to ask me to do something, but it wasn't her. It was Stacy. She was my best friend at my old school. I picked up the phone and answered. "Hey, how are you today?" I know it was pretty silly to start a conversation that way, but, who cares. She answered,"Good. How 'bout you?" I typed a few emojis then said,"Good, I guess. It is just about this weird dream I had yesterday. Oh and also what happened with mom and I." Stacy typed,"Ok, girl, you got to tell me every single detail about this. And don't leave anything out." I smiled. I was glad that someone was concerned. "Ok, here it goes....." and I trailed off.
     I am now on the bus sitting in one of those double seats by myself. I was staring out the window when the bus suddenly stopped and I hit my head so hard on the seat in front of me. I even almost screamed cuz it really hurt. But luckily, no one saw that. This new bus of mine was like any other bus. There would be soft chatter here and there, and also some people sleeping soundly. As for me, I had put on my hoodie to hide the bump on my forehead. I was about to drift off when someone put their hand on my shoulder. I nearly jumped off my seat and fell. There was a nerd in front of me. "Hi. I am so sorry to startle you. But my name is Lacey Steffaña. What is yours? Oh, and can I sit beside you, cuz there is no seat available." Little miss bangs said. I hesitated. She did seem nice and it would be good to have a friend already. I thought.
"My name is Madeline Dellif. And yes, you can sit next to me." I gave her a smile and turned back to the window. But Lacey seemed to want to talk to me about her life and stuff but she looked to shy to do so. So for the rest of the bus ride, I tried making a coversation with her, but her answers were always yes and no.
     "Ok! Everyone get off the bus now!" The bus driver shouted. Lacey and I were the first ones to get off. As we went off she told me that this was her first day here and she wanted someone to be her friend, but I could tell she was kind of afraid to do so. I told her that I would be glad to. So, we were officially friends.
     As we were walking to the soccer field, she saw a tiny bit of my bump on my head under my hoodie. She was about to take off my hood when I put my hand on it. When I took it off, the bump was gone! "Umm.. what just happened?" I forced the words out. Lacey shook her head. I was about to speak when the bell rang. "Well, I'll see you at recess. We don't have any classes together, right?" Lacey asked. I nodded in response. Lacey nodded and walked away. Before I went to class, I whispered out,"Wow." Then, walked with my hand on my head all the way. I entered the front entrance and saw many blue lockers along the way. The principle had sent me an email telling me what and where my classes were and where they are really. My mom made me print them out on paper so I would remember them. I was holding the paper when my hand suddenly glowed with orange and yellow light. At first I thought that it was something with the lights above, but it kept getting brighter and brighter until it was too bright that I shut my eyes and screamed. And that was the last thing that I remembered after that moment of blindness.


Hi guys! So wut did u guys think of that chapter? Plz vote and comment! It gives me motivation. to make more chapters! ♡♡♡

Again I want to remind everyone that updates are at Fridays Saudi time. ♡♡♡

Lastly, I am sorry if there is wrong spelling and grammar stuff in there. Ok peace out! ♡♡♡

Two Kingdoms: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now