Chapter 12

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Princess Emerald's POV

Fiona got up from her seat and creeped up behind the king of Gigantica. But everyone was talking and arguing with each other to notice. It took me seconds to realize what exactly was happening. But I quickly stood up from my chair and ran towards Fiona. She already had the knife up high, ready for the slice. I ran faster and put myself in between Fiona and the king.
     I screamed, "Don't do it Fiona!"
     Esther came running up to me. But it was too late. She already slashed the dagger down my side. I fell to the ground shaking. My head startet spinning. But I could hear mom say, "Guards, bring her to the prison!"
     I could also hear Esther begging the guards to let her go. I heard running steps towards me. I gazed up and saw Max sitting beside me, holding my head and calling the guards for help.
     "I...I am....alright...." I mumbled. Then I closed my eyes, and felt a swirl in my head.


I found myself lying down in a bed, but not my own. I struggled to sit up. My side was really hurting. Since I just don't have enough strenght to sit up, I just stayed there, lying down.
     I closed my eyes and tried to remember what happened. But instead, I just remembered of my home and school. And mom. How is she. She must be worried sick! And after all this fun, it have never crossed my mind that I still had her in my life. Once I can get up, I will ask them about mom.
     Just if on cue, a nurse walked in with a bag of blood. When she saw me look at her, she bowed and quickly put the bag on the table, bowed again and scurried off out of the room. Before she closed the door, I shouted, "Hey! Please come back! I have a question please!"
     She turned her head and walked into the room again. I had enough strength to sit up so I sat up and said, "Thank you so much for your time." She nodded. "So, I was wondering if you could get Queen Emea to come here. I would like to speak to her. Oh and also, what is that bag of blood for?"
     I saw her thinking. Then she started playing with her hands. It took me a long time to realize what she was doing. But now I know. She was doing sign language. Good thing I had studied the main words or else I would have been helpless.
     I made out the words, "Your name is Ni? No, Nia. And you can call mother? Oh, ok. Thank you so much Nia. The bags? They are for....blood meat? Oh hehehehe. They are blood for me? Oh. I am sorry. Thank you so much again Nia."
     She bowed and walked out of the room. I lay back and waited. My eye lids felt very heavy, so I closed them for a minute or two. I was about to fall asleep, but luckily I heard the door open. I jerked and sat up. Mother was standing near my bedside smiling.
     "Hi sweety. Janilla told me you wanted to ask me a question?"
     "I thought her name was Nia. But anyway, yes mom. I just wanted to ask about my mom. Well, the one who I thought was my mom." A tear strolled down my cheek. Mom walked up to my bed and wiped my face.
      She smiled and said, "Don't cry darling. Mom is here. Now, it will be very hard to understand, but the one who you thought was your mom was actually one of our servants. Milly would always be concerned about you when you were just a baby. I thought maybe she had a doubt on the food we give you, or the toys you play with. But I was wrong." A tear fell down Queen Emea's cheek. She quickly wiped it and continued, "She doubted us. Because one night, when you were in your crib, and I was in my bed asleep, she snuck in and took you away. I had only realized it the next morning when I went to check on you. But you weren't there. Your father, Esther and I were so depressed for so long, that we, very sick. But..." she put her hand on my cheeks, "Now that you are back my child, we won't have any mourning to do."
     They have no mourning to do? what about my father?
     "What about my father's death?" I blurted. Mom'a face suddenly looked grave. She stiffled a smile and said, "Who told you this?"
     I looked to the ground and replied, "My new friend Emily did. But it isnt here fault!"
     Mom took my hands and amswered, "Of course it isn't sweety. It was just that I didn't want you to be all upset and stuff. But now that she has told you about your father, I guess it is time to really explain what happened." I snuggled up and nodded. "Good. Are we ready?"
     I nodded my head again and waited. "This is how it all began...."


So new thing!!! Shout outs to "AnajoyVanguardia" !!!! She added this story to her reading list so I am so happy! She just received a follower from me, so if u want a follower, vote comment or add my book to ur reading list. then u get a follower! ♡♡♡
Oh and something else! Just in case that i wont be writing a sequel for this book, i have another one waiting to be published. It wont be published if there is no need to. so it is just for emergency so that you can still read a book of mine. Ok that is basically it really. just follow me then we will be best buds people! I will be giving shoutouts to people who do those stuff. ♡♡♡

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