Chapter 10

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Princess Emerald's POV

After a long day at the ballroom, I finally was back in my room, cuddling with Miya and reading a book that I found on my bookshelfs. It was called, "Saphira, the queen of dragons". I know it was foolish to think that dragons are real, but in the world I am in, anything is possible!
     I was so into the book when someone knocked on the door. I placed the book on my nighstand and walked to the door. I opened it and found Fiona at the door. She looked at me and said, "Oh hi Princess Emerald! I was looking for Esther! Do you know where his room is?" She started moving her hand at her back, but I didn't what she was doing. She caught me looking so she said, "Would you mind telling me now. It is urgent." She said it with and angry kind of voice that made me think something is not going well between us. But I didn't want us to be enemies so I quickly replied, "Of course I wouldn't mind. His room is right next to mine on the left." I pointed to my left.
     She nodded and hurried away. I heard a few murmurs, but I wasn't able to make them out. But even if Esther loves her, I know I can't trust her.


     Right now I am with Emily getting my make-up done. I was supposed to attend this meeting with all the kings and queens who are in alliance with us. I told her it was just a meeting, but she insisted on getting me dressed because she wasn't able to do that on my coronation day.
     "You are going to look fabulous!" She said.
     I didn't bother answer but shake my head because I was still thinking about the scene with Fiona. I haven't told her yet, but I am planning to. I guess I am just finding the right time.
     My thoughts were interupted when I felt a shake. Emily had shook me and said, "Hey, you look deep in thought. Is there something wrong?" She slung her arm around my shoulder and led me to the closet. She picked a torquiose dress that the front came up till me knees and the back just above my foot. She picked black heels with the strings interwinding on my leg almost until my knee. After pitting them on I said, "Ok fine Emily. But you have to promise not to tell a single soul, just because I might be wrong." I stared at her.
     She nodded and said, "Cross my heart." I smiled and began, "Thanks. Ok. So this is what happened...."I said all the details. "So that is why I am so suspicious with Fiona. I know that they love each other, well I guess Esther loves her, but I have a feeling that she is not on our side." I looked at her. She was nodding her head.
     It was silent for a bit that you could hear the birds chirping outside. But she soon broke the silence and said, "Well, let us get you to the throne room, princess." She smile and held her hand out. I smiled back and thought, Well, at least the throne room has another purpose.
     I chuckled. Emily looked at me like I am an idiot. I shook my head and walked out of my room. Miya followed. So I was getting used to going everywhere now, so I don't get lost as often. We stopped at the door of the throne room and Emily motioned for me to go in. I mouthed a thank you and opened the door. Mom stood up and said, "Ah, Emerald you are here. You look wonderful my child." I flushed pink.
      I sat down on my seat and listened to people have conversations with each other. I was looking around for Esther, but I couldn't see him. I looked at the clock. 9:15. He is late 15 minutes. I was just about to start talking to a queen when I saw the door open. Esther was holding hands with Fiona. Esther walked to the table and took a seat. Fiona shuffled about and took a seat at the back of the room.
     After moments of silence, mom was about to say something, but was cut off by the beginning of conversations again. Since she couldn't get their attention by speaking, she did the old fashion way. Queen Emea stood up from her throne and cleared her throat. "Ehem..." she went.
     No one noticed. "Ehem." A few people this time turned their heads, but went back to talking. Again mom tried even louder. "EHEM!"
     Now that time they got startled and  turned to Queen Emea. She smiled gravely and sat back down. After setling, she began, "Now thank you so much for coming, king and queen of Nymphaya. Two short people stood up and said your welcome. Every one clapped. "Of course, thank you too for coming, king and queen of Elvian. Another pair of short people with pointed ears stood up and said your welcome too. "Well, now we must not forget to welcome and say our thanks to the king and queen of Gigantica!" This time though, very tall people stood up and said your welcome. They were about the size of a tree!
     After a long welcome session, we finally got down to business. The king of the nymphs stood up and said, "So my wife, and the leaders of Gigantica have discussed a plan back in my kingdom and decided that we will be sending a spy to Armona. The spy will pretend to be a lost person and pretend to have no idea they are bad people. The spy will have glasses on and we will be able to see everything that the spy can see when they have the glasses on." The king sat back down when Queen Emea stood up and said, "You did not discuss this with me. We will have to talk over it a lot before we send anyone to their kingdom. It is to risky just to execute the plan without more discussion. Do you understand?"
     The kings and queens were looking at each other. I could tell that they wanted to tell mom that they talked about it with each other, but they know they shouldn't argue. So they nodded their heads. The discussion was boring, but I remembered some important stuff.
      So the meantime I was looking around in the room. I spotted Fiona talking on her phone and writing down what they said. She had a nervous look while doing that. When she coaght me looking at her, she put her phone down, stopped writing and pretended to just look at her feet. After a few seconds, she looked at me again to see if I was looking. When she saw I was still looking, she quickly bowed her head down. There is something wrong here.
      I didn't quite notice when she took a shiny sharp thing out of her pocket...


ok hi!

Plz vote people and follow me! So since I haven't got mre followers since last time I made a challenge, I am narrowing it down to if I have 10 followers then i will make another book after this one. plz follow me and vote! ♡♡♡

oh and lastly, if I post an update on anyday of the week, then i wil not do another one on the same week. ok thanks! ♡♡♡

sorry but another thing sorry for wrong spelling and stuff! ♡♡♡

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