Chapter 14

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Hi! So I am very sorry for not updating in a long time. I did tell u that I would update every Friday, but since that was in the holidays I didn't notice that my schooling would be in the way. so I technically have no specific day for updates. something is else is that I will start my other book (not a sequel to this one) this week. I am not sure what the title is, but its about this girl named Diana who never had a boy friend but meets the popular Jacob from a school fair. U can give me suggestions on the title, or even maybe change what the story is about. I would love to hear from everyone! I may not post each chapter when I am done, but let's see. also, I may start dedicating chapter in my books for the first comment and vote. idk either. just a fun way to include my readers. :) But for now, I will dedicate them to my friends or followers. :)


Princess Lilia's POV

I could hear the rustle of the trees as I sat up. I looked down to see that I am not in the chair, (thank god) but in a bed with straw for a mattress. I was in chains though. My body started to hurt as I tried to get out of bed. No luck. I started to moan and lay back. Then memories of mom flash into my head. Like going to the park with her and playing charades. Or buying ice cream on a hot day. I smiled at the thought of just living a normal life and going to school. But now I am stuck to being a princess for a kingdom who does wrong.  I cried in despair and threw my hands up. Or at least tried to being that I have my hands chained. As I pathetically tried to brake the chains, the door opened and in stepped Rachel with Andrew. Andrew had a ring of keys hanging around is hand. 

"Time to be free sunshine. You will start to help us now." I scooted an inch back hesitating. "Unless you want to stay here, of course." Rachel smirked and looked at me in the eye. I didn't want to stay here forever so I reluctantly held my hands out. Andrew pulled an evil grin and unlocked my hands. I turned them around to get used to being free while he unlocked my feet. I stood up slowly, inching my body straighter and looked at the siblings. They were already walking to the door to my room, or should I call it cell.

"Wait up!" I cried. They turned to look at me and sneered.

"You better be fast now sunshine. Our plan will have no waiting for some slow - pokes." Rachel snickered at Andrew's comment I picked up the pace and walked out the door with the sibling trailing behind me. 

Wonder where we're going?  I thought. Their hide out had creepy statues that I wasn't very sure of. They looked as if they were going to attack any minute. Andrew and Rachel kept on walking and turned the corner. Then Rachel pulled out what looked like a key from her coat pockets and inserted it in a key hole in a iron door. I heard a small click, then the door opened.

Andrew opened the door and held it open for Rachel and I. I stepped in and took in my surroundings. Weapons on every wall glitter from the sky light. "Wow." I whispered. 

"Cool isn't it?" Rachel piped up. "And you are the first non - Liberinth to hold one of those weapons. You will fight for us and gather rebels from your kingdom. I know there are. Just be careful with who you ask. They have been waiting for your return to come back here. And now," Rachel raised her hands to the wall of weapons. "you can choose one to be yours." 

My mouth dropped open. "You want me to take a weapon of my chose?" Rachel smiled and pulled me forward. "You will lead us. Don't you think that mother of yours is a nuisance? Sure your father may be kind, but don't let that be in your way. If you throw them off the throne, you will be queen and rule better than those elders. You, Andrew, and I will bring back Liberinth and unite it with the new Armona. What do you say?" She looked at me with pleading eyes.

Her offer was really tempting. "I am not sure. But I will help you get your people back. I may not want to over throw my parents, but I will help you." Rachel's face hardened and stayed still for a second. She softened her features and replied, "Thank you very much, Princess Lilia. But trust me, you will soon over throw them and become allies with us and defeat Everleigh." Rachel put her hands on my shoulders and lead me closer to the weapons. "Take any you like."

I stared at them for a moment and thought. I never used a weapon before. I reached my hand for a pair of swords. I touched the leather handle and removed them from their mount on the wall. "Interesting choice Lilia. Very Interesting. " Rachel murmured. We walked to the center of the room where we found Andrew sitting around a round table, with papers scattered everywhere. Rachel pulled up a seat and sat down. I looked for a chair and pulled it next to Rachel.

Andrew cleared his throat. Rachel rolled her eyes with irritation. There were no people except the three of them there anyways. "Ok," Andrew began, "The plans that I ha - " Rachel interrupted him, "You mean we have arranged." Andrew frowned and ignored his sister's comment. "As I was saying, the plans that we have arranged are that Lilia will talk to the people who we suspect that are rebels. We have been spying on your servants for a long enough time to know who are against your kingdom and not." Andrew looked at me, waiting for a reply.

I nod my head and waited for him to continue. "But the most important part of this scheme is to poison you mother." Rachel's face lit up into a grin and pulled out a piece of paper from another one of her coat pockets. "And so Rachel will begin the mixture. You, Lilia, will try to have some alone time with your mom and have a chat. Once she beings to feel tired, you give her the poison in which will be mixed in her milk so she would never wake up. Now be careful, because she will most probably not trust you and make you drink some of it first. Rachel will have to pull out one of your hair strands and put it in the mixture to make sure you aren't poisoned when you drink it to show that it is not poison."

"She will fall asleep immediately and you can have the chance to creep out. You must attend to your room quickly and sleep. In the morning, if the guards find out about her death, you must stay in bed and pretend to sleep. That will seem as if you had been poisoned too. You will wake up later and tell them that you both had been poisoned, but your mother had more in her drink." Andrew took in a deep breath and stood up. Rachel stood up too and walked to the door. "This is where you weapon comes in. You will slit the throats of any guards so you can run away and stay here for a while. You will be coming along with the rebels you have. Make sure you pack all the stuff you need. We will pretend to make you our hostage and wait 'till they come to fetch you. We will gather more rebels from the soldiers once they reached here." 

Andrew came closer and growled. "There is no plan b, so make sure you don't make a mistake. Or else we will slaughter you too." He already had his hand clenched around my arm, making me wince. He let go and walked to the door with Rachel. I shook my arms to get rid of the pain and followed them, carrying my weapon in my other hand. "I can't believe I will murder someone." I muttered. I stepped out the room and inhaled. "Well, wish me luck, myself."


Hoi!! So this is my first time using my computer for writing my story. I always used my phone, but I have realized it's better. So sorry if the paragraphs are way bigger then last chapters becuz it looks small on the computer. Thanks for reading and I will start dedications on this chapter for this book until it ends. Oh and also, I have 5 followers so let's get it to 6. I will already make a sequel for this book, but who doesn't want a little challenge? Ok thanks! Also sorry for the wrong stuff. I will edit them once the book has been finished! Vote a Comment plz!! Bye! 

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