Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Today was the day. Today I was graduating from college. I was graduating from college and by the end of the week I would be in California with Logan. I would be in California with the love of my life and would begin our life together.

I was getting ready in the bathroom of the hotel when the door opened. Logan was standing in the doorway with a cup of coffee. He hands it to me.

"Thanks" I said. I turn to kiss him. "Have you seen my makeup bag?"

"Yeah. I'll get it." He said. He comes back a minute later and hands me my makeup bag. "you nervous?"

"a little. But my speech is ready and its time for a new chapter." He looks at me. "The next chapter."

Logan and I finish getting ready and head over to graduation. When we pull into the parking lot and he kisses me. "Good luck. I'll see you after okay?" He says.


After graduation we take pictures with my family and then after lots of pictures and hugs we decide to leave. We start walking towards the car when Logan stops.

"What is it?" i ask.

"So I have to head back to Palo Alto tonight." he says.


"Yeah. I'm sorry. I thought I was gonna be able to stay longer before heading back but I will be back Friday and the movers are coming Saturday."

"Okay. What time is your flight?"


"Okay. So dinner?"

"Yeah. Your choice."

Logan and I get in the car and find a restaurant for dinner. I had the same feeling in the pit of my stomach that I did the morning that Logan said good bye to me when he left to go to London. The only difference was that this time we would only be apart for a few days. After I dropped Logan at the airport i grabbed my things from the hotel and decide to head to Stars Hollow. I call mom when I get on the road.

"hey." she says

"hey mom. I should be home in about an hour." i say.

"home? i thought you were with Logan."

"I was but something came up and he had to go back to California. Can we talk when i get there?"

"Sure. I'll make coffee."

"See you soon" i say and hang up. Mom had seemed kind of distant since Logan and I had announced that we were getting married. I wasn't sure how she was feeling about everything. Not to mention that I still had to tell her that I was moving to California. I knew that she was going to be upset but I needed to talk to her about it. About all of it.

When I pulled into the driveway of my childhood home i grab my bag and make my way inside. When I open the door i shout "Mom!"

"Kitchen!" She yells back.

I drop my bag and walk to the kitchen. "Hey." i say sitting at the table.

"Hey." she says sitting a cup of coffee in front of me. "you made good time"

"yeah no traffic." i take a drink of my coffee. "Mom i think that we should talk about the engagement"

"yeah ok."

"Mom I know that you think that we are rushing this but we have been together for three years. I know that you think that we are too young but mom i graduated high school, i graduated college and i haven't gotten pregnant and I'm not now. I love him mom."

"Logan asked me for permission."

What? "what do you mean? "

"I mean Logan came here told me about the job in California and asked me for permission to ask you to marry him"


"Yeah oh. Rory if this what you want then I will support you. When are the movers coming?"

"Saturday. Will you help me pack?" Mom shakes her head. "Thanks mom."

Mom and I sit and drink coffee for a while and then I go into my room and shut the door. I get my laptop out of my bag and check my email. I send out emails with my resume attached. Also I have an email from Logan with pictures attached of the house that he was telling me about. i open the attachments. The house is beautiful. Logan tells me that I can either hire a decorator or i can decorate it myself. I decide that i want to decorate it myself. As I look through the pictures my phone rings. I see my dad's name flash across the screen.

"Hey dad."

"Hey kid. What ya doing?"

"Not much just looking at some pictures that Logan sent me."

"Oh he's not here. He had to go back to California...for work but he'll be back this weekend"

"Oh ok. Umm do you think that you could come meet me. It's important."

"Yeah sure. Text me the address."

"Okay thanks. See you soon." He says and hangs up.

I was in my pj's so I changed into a pair of jeans and a Yale t-shirt and i threw my boots on. I grabbed my keys, phone and wallet. I walk out towards the living room. Mom is watching tv. "Where you going?" She asked.

"Dad called said he need to see me. Said that it was important." I said. "Call you when i leave." I pulled up my GPS and put in the address that dad had sent me. It was a bar in Hartford. When I get there he is already at a table with a drink.

"Hey kid." he says giving me a hug.

I sit down across from him. "What's up Dad."

He hands me an envelope. I open it. Its a debit card and bank account information. "Its your trust fund."

"Are you serious?" I say as I look at the account statement that is envelope. It says that there 6 million dollars in the account. "Dad, I don't need all this."

"isn't from me. My mother, your grandmother set this up for you when you were born. She did this behind my father's back. She wanted to do something for you. She knew that she probably wouldn't have a relationship with you but she wanted to do something to show that she did care that she did love you. She have it to me when i got back from your graduation." He told me.

Wow. I had met this woman once in my life and here she had built me a trust fund. There was also a letter inside. I pulled it out and began to read.

"Rory -

I know that i haven't had a relationship with you over the years but I want you to know that i never stopped thinking about you. I stayed up to date on everything that you did. I knew when you graduated from Chilton and now you have graduated from Yale. I am so proud of you. I know that even though he never showed it that your grandfather Strobe would be proud of you too if he was here. 2 million of the trust was from him. He left it to you in his will and said that it was to be given to you when you graduated college. Congratulations.


I look up from the letter. "Did you know?" I asked my dad handing him the letter.

"No. I had no idea."

Dad and i had a couple of drinks and then on my way home Logan called me. "Hey." i said when I answered.

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