Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
Logan POV
It had been several days since I had heard from or seen Rory. I missed her. I hoped that she would come to her senses and come home. What makes it worse is that nobody has seen or heard from Finn in two days. Normally we wouldn't worry but even the girls that he usually hung out with hadn't seen him. I fixed myself a cup of coffee and decided the read the paper. I was sitting at the breakfast bar when I heard the front door open. I figured that it was Colin coming to check on me again. I had to begin packing up the house for the move back to New York. I wasn't thrilled but it was happening. Colin had come out to help me get things packed up and shipped back to New York.

"Hi." I heard. I would recognize that voice anywhere. It was Rory. She was home.

"Hi." I said. I walked over to her and pulled her into my arms. "God I missed you."

"I missed you too, Logan. We need to talk though." She said and I nodded. She walked over to the breakfast bar and sat down. I poured her a cup of coffee, knowing that she probably hadn't had one in a while. "Thanks." She said when I sat the coffee in front of her. "I've been doing a lot of thinking over the last few days and I want you to know that I love you."

"I love you too." I said.

"What happened with the girl?" She asked me.

"She admitted that she had never met me and that she is not pregnant with my baby." I told her. "She said that she lied about everything hoping to get some money out of it."

"That's shallow." Rory said.

"Yeah. So, did you get your head clear?" I asked. I needed to know. I needed to know if we were still getting married or if we were going our separate ways.

"I did. I spent a couple of days in London and then my dad invited me up to the Cape Cod house. So, I spent a couple of days there with him. Two days ago, I woke up and found Finn asleep next to me." That bastard. "Nothing happened. Apparently after I got there I had talked to him and he said that I sounded upset so he came out to Cape Cod to check on me." Okay not bastard. "I drank and entire bottle of scotch and didn't remember him showing up." I nodded my head to let her know that I understood. She continued. "Logan, I realized that even if this girl had been pregnant with your baby, it wouldn't have made a difference with my feelings for you. I love you Logan with all my heart and I still want to marry you." She finally said.

The words that I had been waiting to hear since she walked through the door. "Thank god." I said and pulled her back into my arms. "part of me was scared that you were going to come home and tell me that after doing some thinking that you didn't want to marry me anymore."

"Logan, I don't think that I could ever walk away from you...from us." She said.

The next few days were long and tiring. I spent time packing up the house while Rory tied up loose ends at her job. She talked about doing some freelance work when we got back to New York but I knew Rory. Her dream job was at the New York Times. I knew that as soon as we got to New York, I was going to make a call and see if I could help her get to her dream.

I was at work trying to get things finalized before the move and get my replacement trained when my desk phone rang. "Gilmore." I answered.

"Hi fruit." Mom.

"Hi Mom, what's up? I'm a little busy."

"Okay, I'll be quick. When are you home?"

"End of the week. Why?"

"Your grandma wants a family dinner."


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