Chapter 9

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The next morning when my alarm clock went off, I got up and went to take a shower. When I got out of the shower, I "appropriately" got dressed and headed downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to find our chef, Alice in there already. "Good morning." I said.

"Good morning. You must be Miss Rory, Mr. Huntzberger's fiance." She said, I nodded. "I'm Alice, I'll be your chef, when your here in Hartford. Do you have time to go over a few thing or would later be better?" Alice asked me.

"Later, if you don't mind. I'm running a little late for breakfast with my Dad and Grandma." I said.

"Certainly." She said and went back to what she was doing.

I walked out to the entryway and grabbed my purse, sticking my phone in it. I walked out of the house and found that Frank was already waiting for me in the driveway. "Frank, any idea when our stuff from California will be arriving?" I asked.

"Today. After I drop you off, I have to come back and take Logan to pick up a rental car to go to New York and then he'll be bring the cars back." Frank said.

"Why doesn't he just have you take him?"

"He wanted me to stay available in case you needed to go any where." I smiled and him and climbed into the car.

Frank drove me to the club to meet my Dad and Grandma Francine. Frank told me to give him a call when I was ready to head home. When I walk into the club, it didn't take long before I found Dad and Grandma. "Hi, am I late?" I asked as I approached the table.

"Of course not, kid." My dad said. He pulled me into a hug, and whispered into my ear, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good." I said pulling back. We sat down at the table with Grandma. "Hi Grandma, how are you?" I asked Grandma Francine.

"I'm good, dear. How was the move?" Grandma said.

"It was ok. Logan and and two of our friends did most of the packing while I finalize things at the paper." I said.

"That's nice, that you have good friends that were willing to come and help you." Grandma said.

"That we do, and we feel lucky to have them." The waitress brought us out some coffee. "Grandma, can I ask a question?" She looked up at me and nodded. "Is there a reason why my frist morning back in Hartford you wanted to have breakfast? I feel like Dad is here as some kind of buffer." I politely said.

"I understand that the Huntzbergers bought the two of you a house, here in Hartford?" Grandma said. I nodded. "I have a proposition for you."

The boys and I were on our way to meet the movers at the New York apartment. It was my fault that we were back on the east coast to begin with. It wouldn't be fair for me to have Rory help unpack...although I think that she will just end up rearranging things. The more I thought about it the more I thought that maybe Rory should be there. I decided to call Frank. "Yes, Mr. Logan." Frank said when he answered his phone.

"Frank, have you picked up Rory yet?" I asked him.

"Not yet, sir. She just called me though."

"Okay, when you pick her up, bring her to the New York apartment please."

"Changed your mind sir?"

"Just realized that when I unpack...she will rearrange everything." I said with a laugh.

"Of course sir." Frank said and then I hung up.

When the boys and I got to the New York apartment, we parked in the parking garage in a visitor spot since mine and Rory's car would be delivered to our resident parking spots. We took the elevator up to the main lobby and we walked over to the reception desk. "Good morning, Mr. Huntzberger." Leon, the attendant said.

"Please Leon, its Logan." I said.

"If you insist." I nodded. "What can I do for you?"

"My fiance, Rory and I are moving back to New York and I have some movers coming today. Can you buzz me when they get here?"

"Of course."

"Thank you. Rory is going to be here in a little while as well."

"Sure thing."

I couldn't believe the breakfast that I just walked out of. My Grandmother has completely lost her mind. She had the nerve to ask me to go work with my father and run Hayden and Hayden Law Services. Did she really think that it was going to happen? Then on top of that she wanted me to sign a pre-nup. I really think that she's losing it? I needed to talk to Logan. When I walked out of the Club, Frank was waiting for me. "Frank, I need coffee...really good coffee." I said.

"Well your in luck, Miss Rory. Logan wants me to bring you to New York." Frank said.

"Fine, but I'm going to need coffee for the ride up there." I told Frank. I climbed into the car and tried to enjoy the ride but I couldn't get my conversation with my grandmother out of my head.

"What do you mean you won't sign a pre-nup?" Grandma asked me halfway through breakfast.

"Grandma, I don't mean to sound disrespectful so please don't take it that way." She nodded. "I don't need a pre-nup because I know that Logan and I are meant to be together."

"But Rory, what if he cheats and has an affair? A pre-nup isn't just about his and her money. It's also to protect you." Grandma said. I guess she had a point.

Maybe Grandma Francine had a point. Logan did have a history of cheating on me. Maybe a pre-nup wouldn't be a bad idea. I would talk to Logan and explain my reasons...I'm sure that he would understand. Frank stopped at a small coffee shop just outside of Hartford and went in and grabbed me a couple of coffees. Frank had been around me long enough to know that I drink a lot of coffee. The rest of the trip to New York, I sat back and tried to relax. When Frank pulled up at the apartment building, he got out and opened the door for me. I made sure to have my sunglasses on just in-case a reporter was nearby. I walked inside to the reception desk. I recognized the attendant as Leon. We had met when Logan and I bought the apartment when Logan came back from London. "Hello Leon." I said as I took my sunglasses off.

"Miss Rory, I presume?" He asked me.

"Yes, we've met before."

"Forgive me." I nodded. "Mr. Huntzberger, told me to expect you. You have your key?" I nodded again. "Then go on up and welcome to the building."

I made my way over to the elevator and pressed the button. I rode the elevator up to the top floor. Logan preferred to be on the top floor. He loved the view. I had been doing some thing during the ride from Hartford to New York. I realized that even though I wasn't thrilled about coming back to the east coast because of Hartford Society I knew deep down that it would put me back near my family. It wasn't a secret that I wasn't a fan of society, but I knew that it was part of being married to Logan. We both came from what Hartford called blue-blood families...we both came from money. With this in mind, I thought more and more about the pre-nup conversation that I had with Grandma Francine early...and the more that I thought about that conversation, the more that I began to realize that she was right.

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