Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Okay so today was day 1 in the moving process weekend. Logan was going to meet the movers in Hartford at the storage unit that he stored all of his stuff in when he quit working for Mitchum. Then apparently we were going to be meeting his parents for lunch (not happy about this.) and after lunch we were going to Stars Hollow to load up my stuff. That night we would be having dinner with my grandparents. This morning I would be working on my side of the guest list for the engagement party.

Logan and I had decided that we were going to throw Mitchum and Shira a curveball. We were going to tell them that they could throw the engagement party but that my grandparents would be handling the newspaper announcement. Mom keeps saying that our engagement party is going to be the Hartford social event of the year. I'm nervous though, its not a secret that Mitchum and Shira don't like me but I was determined to make the best of the situation. I decided after breakfast and working on the guest list that I wanted to find a really nice dress to wear to lunch. I got in my car and headed towards Hartford. I found a cute little dress shop right on Main Street. I browsed around for a bit before finding the perfect dress. When I left the store I headed back to Stars Hollow.

I took a shower and began getting ready. Logan came in. "Hey."

"Hey" I said giving him a kiss.

"You know its just lunch right?"

"Its lunch with your parents." I said as i sat on the side of the bed to put my shoes on. "Besides it gave me a reason to go shopping."

"putting that new trust fund to use?" he said with a smile.

I smiled at him. I grab my keys and my purse and we head out the door. When we get to the restaurant Mitchum and Shira aren't there yet. I order a glass of wine and Logan orders his usual Scotch. He looks at his phone. "Their late." He says.

"They'll be here." I tell him. My phone buzzes on the table. I pick it up amd look at it. Its a text from Mom.

(Mom) *Good luck. Come by the Inn after*

I quickly text Mom back.


I sit my phone back on the table. Logan's phone starts buzzing. He answers it. All i hear him say is "Okay" and he sits it back on the table. "Mom is coming...alone." he says.

"Fun. I'm gonna need something stronger." I say amd Logan hands me his drink.

Fifteen minutes later Shira decides to grace us with her presence. She orders a bottle champagne. The three of sit in silence as this is a tad awkward. "So Rory, congratulations on your graduation." Shira said.

"Thank you." I said taking a drink of my wine. I didn't really care for champagne. "Logan mentioned that you wanted to host an engagement party for us?"

She looked at Logan when I said this. "Yes, Mitchum and I feel that its the least that we can do for the way that we have treated you." Shira says.

"You can host the party...but I have conditions." I say. Once again she looks to Logan. Logan says nothing. "Shira, its no secret that we don't exactly see eye to eye. However, this isn't about you. It isn't about your family or the money. Its about me and Logan. The first condition is that since we are moving to California that every detail will need to be approved by my grandmothers Emily and...Francine." I take another drink of my wine as well as waiting for her response.

"Francine as in Francine Hayden? "

"Yes. You are aware that my father is Christopher Hayden...and that between both pf my family's standing in Hartford society that I outrank you and that it would take one little phone call and have you blacklisted." Logan flags down the waiter and orders another drink. "Let me be clear on this Shira, Logan is the love of my life and that is the only reason that I am sitting here with you right now. Upset me at any point during these joyous times and I WILL make that phone call." I say.

"Rory, I do believe that I underestimated you. Shall we order?" she said.

When we left lunch with Shira I needed coffee. I told Logan to drop me off at Luke's. I was going to grab a cup and then go see Mom. He said that he would go wait for the movers at the house. After getting my coffee, I decided to walk to the Inn. When I get there Mom is in the kitchen with Sookie. As soon as I walk in Mom stares at me.

"How'd it go?" She asked.

I refilled my coffee and told her everything. After i told her ever she looked at me and said "She had no idea about you being half Hayden?"

"Nope. And i told that one wrong move and I would have the Grandma's blacklist her." i said.

"Wow. I'm impressed"

I hung out with Mom and Sookie for a while before heading back to the house. When I got back to the house the movers were loading the last of everything.

"Thats everything." I heard Logan tell one of the guys. He handed them a piece of paper that I assumed had our address on it. "Hey" he said when he noticed that i was standing there. "Its done."

"good. dinner tonight with the grandparents." i said as we sat on the couch.

he kissed my temple and said "I'm proud of how you handled my mother today."

"Me too. who knew that she would back down when i threatened to have her blacklisted."

Logan and I sat on the couch for a while and waited for mom to get home. We were sitting there watching tv when she came in. "you guys ready?" she asked.

"yeah. you gonna change?" i asked.

"no time. lets go. Logan can you drive?"

"Sure." he said.

The drive to Grandma and Grandpa's was quiet. It hit me that this would be my last friday night dinner for a while. It occurred to me that I would actually somewhat miss these family dinners but at the same time Logan and I would be starting some new traditions of our own.

We rang the doorbell and were greeted by my grandparents' newest maid. We were told that they were in the living room. When we walked in Grandma was pouring glasses of champagne.

"Hi grandma." i said.

"hello everyone. your grandfather will be down in a moment." she handed us each a glass. "So i received a call from your mother today Logan."

"uh grandma i need to talk to you about that."


So I told everything that happened. Grandpa came down right as i finished. "and so thats what led to the phone call."

"interesting." she said.

"interesting good or interesting bad" Mom said looking at me.

"definitely good. because now we can play this to our advantage."

Everything was perfect. There no better way to spend my last night in Connecticut with my family than this. Tomorrow Logan and I would start our new adventure amd I couldn't wait. Things couldn't be better...except for maybe my dad.

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