Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
Dad and i had a couple of drinks and then on my way home Logan called me. "Hey." i said when he answered.

"Hey." He said. "I tried calling you at the mom said that you went to meet your dad."

"Yeah. My dad's parents set up a trust fund for me." I told him.


"Yeah and there was this letter from my grandmother saying that they were proud of me even though she doesn't really know me. I have met the woman once in my life."


"Yeah but how was your flight?"

"It was okay. So apparently Honor told my dad about the engagement."

"Has he called you yet."

"No. Thank god." He said. "I miss you"

"I miss you too. I wish that you hadn't of had to leave today." I feel sad when I say this. I didn't think that I would miss him this much 24 hours after he proposed to me. "So i looked at the pictures. I love the house."

"I knew that you would. You'll love it more when you see it in person"

I talked to Logan almost the whole way home. When I walked in the door Mom had already gone to bed. I was too happy to sleep so I sat in my bed looking up venues to start planning our wedding. Dad had told me that he wanted me to have my dream wedding. he didn't care how much it cost. I found this beautiful vineyard in San Francisco that specialized in weddings. I sent Logan the link to their website.

beep. beep. it was a text from Logan.

(Logan) *Its beautiful*

(Rory)* What do you think about it for the wedding?*

(Logan) *Already planning are you?*

(Rory) *Just research*

I fell asleep doing research. When I woke up I smelled coffee. i got up, grabbed the envelope that Dad gave and walked into the kitchen. Mom was sitting at the table reading the paper. i poured me a cup of coffee and i grab a pop tart and join her at the table.


"Morning hon. Everything go ok with your dad last night?" I don't say anything. "Rory what is it?" I slide the envelope to her. She opens the envelope and pulls out the letter. She reads it. "What?!" She looks up at me. "Is she serious?"

"What do you think this means?" I asked her.

"Kid as much as it pains me to say this I think she wants a relationship with you."

Mom and I sat there and drank our coffee. When I finished I went and took a shower. After getting dressed Mom and i set out to get packing supplies. When we get back to the house, my phone rings. I see Logan's name flash across the screen. I answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey. So its done. I finished what i needed to and I'm headed to the airport"


"yup. should be there in a couple of hours."

"Yay. I'll tell you soon." I hang up the phone. "Mom, Logan is headed to the airport. He'll be here in a couple of hours."

"Okay hun. I'm gonna run to Luke's and grab us some food."

"Ok mom."


Rogan: A love storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora