Hole in One

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Hey everyone I got this idea when I was watching Jane The Virgin when her Abuela and her bf  were at a mini golf place n things get wild.  it was cute so here we go. 

After a long day at the lab, the gang decided it would be a great idea to go to a Mini-Golf Course to blow off some steam from the busy work day. Cisco invited you to go with them which was great. You thought it'd be a wonderful idea to blow off steam as well, considering your all but pleasant conversation with Cisco earlier that week. Things were getting pretty serious with you two, and Cisco still hasn't realized it yet. You have been constantly dropping hints that you want to know where things are headed and that this relationship wasn't going to be some lame relationship that goes nowhere. You two had a very heated argument about how he isn't taking the relationship as seriously as he should, which made things a little tense.  However, you do cut him some slack though because you know this whole relationship thing is "not his jam", but, for some reason, it was different this time. 

You decided this night would be about fun and good times with your friends and less worrying about where you and Cisco's relationship was headed. As you were just about to finish curling your hair, you hear your doorbell ring. You check the time, 6:30. He was supposed to come for seven. "I  wonder why he's so early." you thought to yourself. You get yourself presentable and walk up to the door and open it. As soon as you do, he give you the cutest toothy grin which made it even harder for you to restrain from kissing him. 

"Hey, Y/N!" He smiles and comes in for a kiss but you wrap him in a hug and pat his back. "Hey, pal! I'll be done soon, okay? You're early." You let go and go back to doing your hair. He is a little confused but brushes it off. "I like to watch you get ready. Even though you already look super hot." He shrugs and sits on the couch with a perfect view of you. "This boy is making it veerrrry hard to be angry at him right now."  you think as you finish your last curl. "Sweet." you reply back shortly. 

He shakes that off, too. He senses you are not happy with him and he will do everything in his power to change that. "Are you almost done, babe?" he asks and makes  his way over to you, beginning to wrap his arms around your waist. You nod and rush past him, trying to ignore his sweet and adorable self. He sighs and walks behind you to his car.

When you arrive, everyone is already there. Caitlin and Harry (the one from S2)  were waiting on you two to arrive while Joe, Iris, and Barry decided they were going to start getting their golf balls and golf clubs"You made it!" Caitlin smiles and hugs you both. "Yes, they made it. Woo." Harry said. Harry wasn't one for outings, but he came tonight because everyone practically begged. You were just happy the gang was all there. 

After the greeting, it was finally time to get putting. You were super pumped because you are a baller at mini-golf, and everyone knew it. However, your boyfriend, not so much. Every hole you would hear things like "I literally can't do it. I am done. Get in there you stupid ball! I'm gonna throw this thing into the pond water, I swear! " and other such phrases. While everyone was ahead several rounds, Cisco  was still having a hard time with one round in particular. Naturally, you killed it and sensed Cisco getting frustrated. "Oh my gosh, dummy! You wanna know why you suck? You have to hold it the right way!" You chuckle and move his hands in the right position. He blushes and taps the ball with the golf club.

It goes straight in. "Hole in One!" You exclaim and grab his face, giving him a big kiss on those nice ass lips (A/N: you know they're so good), totally forgetting you were mad at him. He sighs into the kiss and pulls back. "See, if you woulda told me that three rounds ago..." he smiles and you roll your eyes. "C'mon, Champ, we gotta catch up with the others." And with that, you were to the next round. 

You walk up to the  next round confidently. "Watch this..hole in one." You say and get in position. "Bet." Cisco replies. You ignore him and hit your ball. It goes no where. You are surprised and Cisco knows it. He lets out a giggle. "Shut up, Ramon." You say and hit the ball again. It moves a little and now Cisco is covering his mouth to keep from full on laughing. "Hole in one, Y/N? My ass." You ignore him yet again and try to get in your zone.  A few more swings went by and there was very little progress. 

You let out a groan of frustration. "Just go. I don't wanna do this one anymore." You pout and cross your arms, walking to the side of the round so he could go. "Ooorr...we could..." he says and moves his head to motion to a waterfall you walk through to get to another round and wiggles his eyebrows. You blush and nod. Cisco takes your hand, pulling you towards it. You hide your blush with your hand as you follow him along. 

(A/N: im not the best at the ;))) stuff so bear with me here)

Once under the waterfall, you press your back against the stone and give him inviting look. He bites his lip and lets it go, making his way towards you and  wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to his body. He uses his other hand to take your face and bring you into a kiss.  You could feel your body pulse with electricity as his lips touched yours. You slip your hands into his back pockets, causing him to open his mouth slightly. You begin to move your mouths together perfectly in sync, which scores a light moan from him. 

You smile and kiss Cisco's bottom lip and start to move from his lips down to his neck. He stops you by lifting your head as he shakes his own. "Listen, It's all about you, now. I know I've been kinda clueless about knowing what we are and stuff..." he says and you let out a soft smile. "But I know that I really love you, like a lot. I want us to be more. " He kisses your lips with a great deal of passion and moves his head to whisper in your ear. "and I will do anything and everything to show it."

 You feel a chill go down your spin as he begins to kiss and leave love marks on your neck, knowing all of the spots that make go wild. You let out moans and other little sounds as he continued to kiss you. "Cisco.." you exhaled and he hummed against your neck. You felt your knees weaken as he continued to make you melt. He did this until he finally came back to meet with your lips, kissing you with all the passion that he has. 

Suddenly, you feel a bright light on you and hear a man saying "Yeah, we got a couple of kids  here under the waterfall again. We'll get em out."  You pull away from each other and Cisco lets out a little laugh, hugging your waist as you hide your head in the crook of his neck, embarrassed. "So.." he says and you pick your head up from his neck to look at him. "Does this mean you're done being angry at me? I really am sorry for not figuring it out sooner. I'm really slow. It was torture when you weren't talking to me, like when Silver Surfer's planet was eaten by an alien and everything he loved was lost." You giggled and sigh, kissing his cheek. He's so sweet. "Yes, you dork. I am done being angry at you." With that, you two are escorted out of the Mini-Golf Place hand in hand with huge smiles on your faces.

 ooOooO how scandalous!! This one was long and it was a lil ;) bc i was feelin it. Plus no one ever writes it so i was like, why not? So yeah sorry if this was weird for you. Leave suggestions on what to write! Bye.

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