First Date/First Kiss

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Barry Allen:

Barry would take you out to a really fancy restaurant because he's #basic but, with Barry, it would be a totally different experience  because

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Barry would take you out to a really fancy restaurant because he's #basic but, with Barry, it would be a totally different experience  because...he's Barry. After the hella romantic date, he'll do the the thing where you are walking up to your2 door and he kisses you. Like you're about to go into your home and he takes your wrist so you dont go in and he then kisses you real good. After the kiss, he makes the face in the gif and you go into your home all blushy and cute and all. 

Cisco Ramon:

So, Cisco isn't really good with coming up with dates but he decided he'd just hang out with you and call it a date in his mind

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So, Cisco isn't really good with coming up with dates but he decided he'd just hang out with you and call it a date in his mind. You weren't even aware it was a date but oh well, ya know? So, y'all were alone in his lab just hanging out and watching some dumb videos. But the videos were basically just background noise because y'all could not stop joking and laughing with each other. All of a sudden, you feel Cisco's lips against yours. Your eyes widen at the sudden action. Just as you're about to kiss back he pulls back with the color red flushed across his face. "I'm sorry, that was inappropriate." You bite your lip to hold back a giggle. "Actually, I was hopin you'd do that." you say and cuddle into Cisco's chest. He smiles triumphantly and wraps his arms around you and yall continue to watch the dumb videos and be all close and cuddly. 

Wally West:

SO i know this is hella basic but

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SO i know this is hella basic but

You go to see Wally drag race. Wally's main goal for this race was to impress you with his mad driving skillz. So basically this race was for you, fam! You're standing in the front of the crowd so Wally can see you. He calls you his good luck charm, but he's been winning since before yall met so you know he's just saying that to make you feel good but you don't mind. So, Wally was about to race this Grade A BITCH who thought he was better than Wally. Before the race started, Wally looked over to you nervously and you gave him a thumbs up and blew him a kiss. Any doubts that Wally had about the race quickly went away. Wally ends up winning the race and you run to his car to go congratulate him. As soon as he got out of his car, you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and give him a big kiss. Badabing Badaboom. 

Harry Wells:

Harry thought the perfect first date was to show you where he was from, and you could not be more excited

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Harry thought the perfect first date was to show you where he was from, and you could not be more excited. I mean, a whole other Earth? That's so wild, man. You obviously jumped on the offer. Cisco opens the portal for y'all and you both step in, hand in hand. Once you're there, you look around with an amazed look on your face. "You live here? It's so...technologically advanced!" You say and and gasp escapes you. "Are we in STAR Labs?! on Earth 2?!" You practically yell and he shushes you to stop you from getting even more attention drawn to you. "Yes. We are. Follow me." He takes your hand just as a couple of people start to come up to Harry to ask him questions. He brings you into where he actually lives and you look around in awe. "You really are rich, aren't you?" you say and touch some weird vase. He smirks and comes over to you and wraps his arms around your waist. "Yes, yes I am." Then he looks into your eyes and then your lips. Then you go on your toes to kiss him and there's that.

(yo idk why that was weird for me to write like maybe it's because he's kind of old)

okay i know i suck with writing wally and harry.  also i can never find any solid pictures for wally so that's lame. and after all these shit goes down yall are dating so congrat. 

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