First I Love You

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hey guys so i know  i dont update a lot and im sorry but school is starting in like 2 weeks so idk how much i'll be updating. 

Barry Allen:

You and Barry go on a little coffee date to just chill out

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You and Barry go on a little coffee date to just chill out. You sit on one of the stools as he goes and gets yalls favorite coffees. When he comes back, he sits on the stool opposite of yours. You smile as a "thank you" and he returns his smile as a "you're welcome." You take a sip of your coffee and sigh. "It's so nice to just chill out and not have to worry about anything, don't you think?" You ask and he nods, noticeably nervous. "Bare? You alright? You seem nervous." His face turns red and he says, "Uh, Y/ and me...We like each other, right?" You let out a soft chuckle. "Barry, of course. I'd hope we like each other. We've been dating for months." He smiles nervously and continues.  "Well, um... I don't really like you anymore..." You really thought his bitch ass was breaking up with you. "Y/n, I love you." he says and swirls his coffee with his straw. You stop his hand and he looks from the coffee to you and you say, "I love you too, Barry." 

Cisco Ramon:

You were sitting in Cisco's living room, totally invested in the premiere of a new show that you are really into

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You were sitting in Cisco's living room, totally invested in the premiere of a new show that you are really into. Cisco comes in and puts his stuff down from a long day at STAR Labs and almost screams out of surprise when he sees you on his couch. Once he's realized it's just his girlfriend he says, "Not that I don't love you being here, I totally do, did you get into my house?" He says and goes to the kitchen to get a snack. "Barry ran me here. I NEEDED to watch *your favorite show* on a good system, and you have a good system." You say, eyes glued to the tv. He smiles and shakes his head, handing the popcorn bowl he had to you. "And what is this *your favorite tv show*?" You pause the Tv, fully ready to give Cisco an explanation of the show from start to finish. You do just that and go on and on about the characters and how great the show is when Cisco cuts you off with a laugh and says, "Y/N, I love you." You stop short and blushed more than  you've ever blushed before. "I love you, too." You say quietly as Cisco pressed play on the Tv and pulls you to him. 

Wally West:

You and Wally were playing Wally's favorite video game

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You and Wally were playing Wally's favorite video game. You don't really play video games that often so Wally was beating you by a lot. "Wally! This isn't fair. You already know how this works. I'm still learning" you pout and he laughs and kills your character. "Yeah, yeah,  but you look so pretty in the video game light, I had to get you in front of it." You blushed and quickly pressed the controller to go to another round. "Rematch." you say and he shrugs and starts to play. He wins again and you groan in frustration. He laughs and blurts out, "I love you." in between his laughs. You both stop and you turn wide eyed to him. He shows you a toothy smile and you practically jump on him, kissing him to let him know that the feelings were mutual.

Harry Wells:

You're chilling with Jesse in their room at STAR Labs

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You're chilling with Jesse in their room at STAR Labs. Jesse's glad that she has a girl to talk to about her problems rather then her dad. You and Jesse were just chatting away when Harry's experiments came up. "I swear, my dad has never, ever been so invested in something in his entire life. Well, except you. He loves you so much he- " her eyes widened. "Oh no, I wasn't supposed to say anything." "He loves me?" You ask, as Harry walks in and says, "Guess my secrets out then. Thanks Jesse." She gives him a thumbs up and dashes out of the room. "Well, if it helps, I love you too." You say walking over to him and kissing him. 

Leonard Snart: 

Leonard Snart: 

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You're just dancing around, humming along to the music in your head as you do some things around the house while you thought Leo was asleep. He wasn't, though.  He was watching everything you do. He loved the way you moved and the way your lips pursed out as you hummed. He wanted nothing more than to kiss them. This is the moment he knew he was in love with you. "Y/n.." he said in a sleepy voice. "Come here." You put down what you were doing down and crawl into to bed with him, laying on your stomach with your hands on his chest, resting your chin on the tops of your hands. "Yess?" you sing. "I love you." he smiles and kisses the bridge of your nose. You close your eyes as he does that and you open them and say "I love you, too." 

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