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You tossed and turned in your bed, trying your hardest to get in a comfortable position, but to no avail. You eventually gave up, groaning in frustration and reaching for your phone. After your eyes adjusted to the bright light, you saw that the time read 12:30am. You sit up and rub your face. This would certainly be a long night.

Eventually, you lie back down and start to think of things that have helped you fall asleep before. As you think, you begin to remember how on one late movie night with your boyfriend Cisco, you literally could not keep your eyes open because of how comfortable you were in his embrace.

You looked at the time again; 1am alreadt. You bite your lip in thought. "Should I ask him to come over? I it really that late?" You unlock your phone and go to your contact app, hesitantly typing in Cisco's name. You really hated to wake him at this hour, but you were on your last option here. You had literally tried everything. Milk, those damn sheep, and even some breathing exercises.

After taking a long, deep breath, you press his contact name. You slowly put the phone up to your ear and hear it ring. A feeling of instant regret washes over you. Just as you are about to hang up, a groggy, raspy voice answers with "Hello? Y/N? Are you asleep?" You smile softly. "No, Cis, how could I call you if I was asleep?" "Oh right." he says softly. "What's up?"

"I,um, I'm sorry to wake you..,but, um..." You say awkwardly. "Mm spit it out, girl. I'm tired." he complains. You sigh. "Do you mind..Can come over" you chuckle awkwardly. "What are you doing, meditating? Ummm." he hums and you let out at tired laugh and run a hand through your messy hair. "I can't sleep. Will you come over? Please?" you reply, biting your lip. You hear shuffling from the other end. "Sure, hon. You stay there. I'll be there soon. Love you. Mwah!" he replies and hangs up the phone. You smile and plop back onto the bed.

About 10 minutes later, you hear a knock at the door. You open it and are greeted with a sleepy smile and an adorable yawn. "Thanks for coming so late." you say quietly, pulling him into your apartment. He smiles yet again and says tiredly, "Anything for my lady." You blush and kiss his lips softly, pulling him to your bedroom.

Once there, you climb into bed open the blankets so Cisco could slip in. He gets under the blankets and plops onto his back, turning his head to look at you with a sleepy smile on his face. You feel your cheeks start to warm up and cover your eyes with the blankets.

"Hey, I didn't come all this way for you to hide from me, come here, babes." He holds out his hand and you take it, giggling as he pulls you on top of him. "Get me ooofff!" You whine as he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. "Just close your eyes, Y/N. You're fine. Don't worry. I just love being close to you." he says mid yawn, giving your waist a squeeze.

You sigh happily and kiss his lips softly. "I'm just so happy you're here with mmph..." he cuts you off by putting his hand on the back of your head and gently pushing your head to rest in the crook of his neck. "Shh...sleep...rockabye baby on the treetooop." he sings quietly. You smile and snuggle even closer, finally falling asleep with the feeling of a soft kiss on the top of your head.

Hi everyone! This one took me like a week to write bc i was kinda havin trouble with transitioning and shit but oh well. It probably sucks ass but I don't give a Shit!!

Also, for my Preferences, I'll be doing:

- Barry Allen (duh)

- Cisco Ramon

- Harry Wells (Earth 2 cuz Earth 1 sucks and HR seemed pretty infatuated with that one girl)

- Wally West

- and maybe the girls? idk. if yall want that im cool with it. Let me know!

if yall want anybody else (Like Snart or Julian or whoever) let me know about that too.

Please Comment! I love Feedback.

Also you can vote to but I don't really know what the meaning of that is.

Okay, that's all. Bye. 

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