Leonard Snart Catch Up

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I wont do gifs of snart  bc that's a lot of gifs but here is a nice picture

How You Meet:

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How You Meet:

Snart broke into your house and tried to steal a old family heirloom. Snart only knew about it because this specific heirloom has been around since the dawn of time, and it was obviously very valuable. The rock necklace with little drawings of plants and animals was estimated to be worth about 3 million dollars. You always felt connected to it and when some hooligan tried to steal it, you went full Chuck Norris on his ass. After you went all Chuck Norris on his ass, he left quickly and you felt like a badass, but you were kinda bummed the v handsome criminal left so soon. 

How They Ask You Out:

Snart had never, ever met a girl like you. You had this "I look innocent but I could bite your head off if it came down to it" that he adored. He had to see you again. But how? He literally tried robbing you, emphasis on tried. He could try to rob you again, he thought, but what would he steal? Your heart?  You made him a cheesy mess. You made him melt. like ice. haha. jokes. But ANYWAY. He decided that just breaking into your home was the route to go. So, one night, around like 10:30 he snuck into your room. You weren't asleep just yet but you were dosing off, so your movements were kinds groggy. You hear a noise and look to the direction it was coming from. You think you see a shadow of a man so you rub your eyes to get a better view, and there is the beautiful criminal you've had numerous dreams about. "Would you look at that, Sleeping Beauty has awoken." He says with a smirk. "What the hell are you doing here?! I hope you're not here to attempt to rob me again, because I can crack open a mean can of whoop ass if I'm "awoken.'" He continues his smirk and let's out a little chuckle. "No, no. Even though your "whoop ass" was pretty fantastic, I'm here for another matter." You sit up, curious. "And what's that?" "I liked your moves, and I was thinking...maybe I'll like you, too." You furrow your eyebrows, "Are you asking me on a date, Mr....?" "Leonard Snart, and that may be the case." You shake your head. "Sure, whatever. Here." you write down your  number on a paper and hand it to him. "Call me tomorrow, I'm going to sleep." You say and pull the covers over your eyes. Then he skedaddles. 

First Date/First Kiss:

As you got to know Leo better, you realized he wasn't as cold hearted as most people think he is

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As you got to know Leo better, you realized he wasn't as cold hearted as most people think he is. He is actually so kind, caring, and romantic, that if he was a contestant on The Bachelorette, you'd certainly give him all the roses. Speaking of roses, one day you got two roses in your mailbox with a little notes attached. The notes consisted of various letters and numbers, which you soon figured out was a code. The code was like 1 =  A, 2 = B, 3 = C, you get the gist. The first note you got had the coding cheat sheet. At the bottom of the note, you were instructed to call Leonard for further detail. You did and he informed you that this was the beginning of your date hunt, and you had to follow a series of codes and directions to find him and what he has planned. You looked at the second roses' note which read "2385185 - 235  - 14520" which translates to, "where we met" You remember where you kept your old family heirloom , and go there. You find another rose. The note  read "2181818" which translated to "Brrr." You thought, wow a freezer is cold, so you go to your kitchenand open the freezer, finding a rose with another note telling you in a cryptic way to go onto the street and walk until the light pole. You  do that and get the rose on the light pole and continue on your quest to find Captain Cold.

Eventually, you find yourself walking up this crazy steep hill, and, by now,  you were over it. You called Leo. "Listen, Leo, this was cute in the beginning, but now I have this bag full of roses and my feet hurt. What was this all about?" You felt like you could hear his smile from the other line. "I can see you, you're almost here." "Really?" you reply sarcastically,"Then come pick me up and whisk me away." So, he hangs up the phone and you see him coming up over the hill. "Why did you have to make this so extra, Leo?" He says as he picks  you up bridal style as you wrap your arms around his neck. "A special date on a special night for a special lady." He smiles and starts walking up the hill. You look at him like he's crazy.  "Okay,,,,, why are you being so cheesy? This is so unlike you." You say and turn your head away from him to see a extravagant dinner layout. You open your mouth in surprise and turn your head to Leo and smile at him while biting your lip. He looks down at them and back up to your eyes again. You move your legs down to stand on the ground and look at him with a small smile. Almost instantly, he cups his hand to your cheek and pulls you in, kissing you with his soft and smooth lips. You felt like you two were alone in the universe, and you never wanted that to end. 

How they Spoil You:

He lets you pretend to be him. He gives you a fake ice gun and pretends that he's a guy you need to take out. You love winning and Snart knew that, however, he never went easy on you. He never let you win. You were just that good.  Plus, he loved seeing you in his jacket so, in a way, you were spoiling him too. 

Names in Your/Their Phone: 

His Phone: Sleeping Beauty ****the princess emoji and a Zzz emoji****

- bc that name always stuck, ever since the day he "woke you up" to ask you out.

Your Phone: Olaf **snowflakes and snowman**

- i had elsa but sike he's not like elsa she's cold and a boss ass bitch but snart's like the "i like warm hugs" olaf when no one is around and you like that only you see that side of him

these were looooooong and kinda lame but woohoo

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