How They Ask You Out

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Barry Allen:

Even before you found out Barry was The Flash, you were obsessed with him

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Even before you found out Barry was The Flash, you were obsessed with him. You loved seeing him saving and protecting Central City. Barry knew this so, to ask you out, he ran you up to the top floor of the highest building in the city and told you stay there. You did and before you knew it, you looked down to see Barry running with his light trail behind him that read "Want to Date?" You were like "that's super cool dude! yeah I'll do that!" and so yall smile and blush and woohoo youre goin on a date with Barry Allen, kids!  

Cisco Ramon:

So you're kinda just hanging out with everyone at STAR Labs, havin a jolly old time

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So you're kinda just hanging out with everyone at STAR Labs, havin a jolly old time. You were chillin on the floor playing Go Fish with Barry and Caitlin.  Cisco figures "Gee, this would be a stellar time to ask Y/N out" so he goes over and sits next to you, crossing his legs. "I want to play." He says and holds out his hands for cards. You're the dealer so you give him the cards and say, "You're lucky we just started the game." So yall play and soon it was Cisco's turn. He looks at his cards in deep thought and finally says, "Y/N, do you have a go out with me?" You were confused until Barry and Caitlin snickered under their breath. You realize what he meant and turn to him saying "Go Fish." with a wink. Everyone laughed at your joke except for Cisco because he thought you rejected him. You shook your head and touched his hand. "Oh my gosh Cis. Of course I'll go out with you." and then Cisco blushed and woo yay you're goin on a date. 

Wally West:

You were watching a movie with the Wests at their house

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You were watching a movie with the Wests at their house. You always felt like part of their family, and they always felt like you were a part of theirs. Wally has been by your side ever since he met you. Joe joked that you two were "joined at the hip". So now, just like every other Saturday Movie Night , you were there watching a movie with them. Suddenly, the power went out because of all of the storming that was going on outside.  "Aw man...just when it was getting to the good part." You complain and everyone agrees. Barry and Joe decide to go see what's what and figure out what they could do to fix it, which leaves you with Iris and Wally. Wally quickly glances over at Iris and she gets the "oh" look on her face and goes into the kitchen. Now it's just you and Wally. Wally suddenly turns to you and is like "So listen. I like you. like you...and I was wondering...Will you go on a date with me?" He smiles nervously. You decide to play hard to get. "Really, Wally? You're gonna have to be more convincing than that." The power came back on as soon as you said that and everyone came back in to continue the movie. From then on, Wally was determined to win your heart. 

Harry Wells: 

So you were like, totally bomb at equations and you could do them really fast, like Barry Allen fast

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So you were like, totally bomb at equations and you could do them really fast, like Barry Allen fast. So, Harry decided to make an equation where the end result will be "GoOnADate?" It isn't grammatically correct but it got the point across. You walked into STAR Labs ask if Harry wanted to go to lunch with you, to which he replies "I would really love to, Y/N, but I have this equation that I can't seem to get. I've got an idea. How about you use that amazing brain of yours to help me solve this equation while I go get us something?" You nod and take the marker that Harry was handing to you. "You know what I want?" you say, starting to work on the task at hand. "Of course." he says and leaves with a smirk. 

Once he comes back, you've already finished the equation and are now working on making one for Harry. "Did you solve it?" he asked and set the food down. You smiled and turned around in the swivel chair. "Sure did. Now it's your turn to solve mine." You say motioning to the board. He goes over it and solves it while you eat the food Harry brought. The answer comes out to be "Yes" and he turns to you and smiles. He successfully just asked you out woohoo who else loves being smart. 

these were really poorly written so sorry about it. 

leave any questions, comments, or concerns! it makes me feel like people are actually reading, so yeah. 

also i know i write like crap and everything is rushed so

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