Chapter 35: Goodbye

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|POV. Ren|


I could hear Saya-chan screaming, but I couldn't comprehend what was going on.

My chest was on fire and my head spun.

"REN!" Cuan-Kuns voice wailed in my brain, "REN PLEASE HOLD ON! I'm on my way ba-"

"NO" I yelled back to him. "go get help. you have to protect Saya-chan"

"But Ren-"

"No" I inturpted. "run as fast as you can back to the village and get dad."

I could feel Cuan-kun hesitate. He knew what I was just starting to figure out.

I was going to die.

I choked a little. I didn't want to die. there was so much I hadn't done yet.

I needed to train with dad and make him proud. I needed to turn Cuan-kun into the best ninja hound the leaf had ever seen. I needed to protect my home, my family, and Saya-chan. but most importantly I needed to grow up. I needed to live life and have fun.

I felt cheated and robbed of years of amazing things I'd never get to do.

"Ren" Cuan-kun interrupted my thoughts. "please...."

"You were a great best friend Cuan. Please do me this one last favor and save Saya-chan. Cuan I love her. I'd rather die then see her kidnapped again. Please."

"Alright." Cuan-kun let out a small whimper, a last attempt to try and make me live.

"Goodbye Cuan-kun. I'll miss you. stay safe, stay happy, and keep her safe."

"I will"

I broke the connection.

I couldn't feel or see anything, and with Cuan-kun gone I just waited in the dark to die. or maybe I was already dead, I had no idea.

I tried not to think about my family's broken expressions, or my friends. maybe even Sasuke-Sensei would cry a bit for me.

"... Ren"

Saya-chans voice called to me in the darkness.


I struggled to find her voice. I wanted to say goodbye to her.

It was along time before I found my eyes again, and when I opened them Saya-chan was right there.

Tears streamed down her cheeks and her nose was bleeding but she looked alright otherwise. I quickly looked around for Akon, but all I could see were giant orange crystal's. Had Saya-chan done that?

"Ren! You're alive thank god! Please stay strong. help is coming ok?" she pleaded but already I could feel the numbness crawling back towards my eyes.

".... Saya-chan..." I managed to choke out. rusty liquid flowed down my lips and chin. it tasted like tarnished iron.

Saya-chan's beautiful eyes widened impossibly. "shh I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere I promise. please don't try and talk"

She carefully wiped the blood off my chin before lightly brushing my cheek with the back of her fingers.

"I'm right here." she whispered.

Her eyes were so gentle and tender. I could have sworn she loved me back.

The thought broke my heart because I knew we could have been together.

I pictured us eating lunch at the ramen shop, training with each other behind the school or cuddled up on the couch watching a movie. I'd buy her flowers and chocolates and stuffed animals. She'd smile and hold my hand and together we wouldn't have to be alone. Amy-chan would tease us and Sasuke-Sensei would give us a hard time, but secretly he'd be happy for us. Yuki-Sama and Dad would smile every time we walked by and Naruto-Sama would give me a hard time. I could see all of it.

And it broke my heart because I would never get the chance to love her.

"Saya-chan" I choked out again.

Saya-chan opened her lips to object to my talking, but I quickly interrupted her.

"Saya-chan I've always liked you. more then just a friend. I wanted you to know that before.... I say goodbye. You're sweet, loving, kind, gentle, and kick major ass. Please don't ever change. I'm so happy I got to- "

"No!" she choked out behind tears. "no please don't say goodbye. please. I like you too Ren-kun, please stay with me"

Her hands tightened around mine.

"I'm so happy I got to meet you." I finished.

Tears flowed down Saya-chan's cheeks.

"Please" she whispered.

I smiled and managed to lift my hand enough to run my fingers threw her hair.

She caught my hand and sandwiched it between her palm and her damp cheek.

The numbness crawled over my eyes and everything became fuzzy, but not Saya-chan's eyes.

The beautiful shade of green remained sharp as the darkness closed into my vision, but soon the only thing I could see was blackness again.

I mustered up the last of my strength and whispered softly.


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