Chapter 3 Do I love him?

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Peeta POV

I'm sitting the nurses office with Katniss. They said she'll be okay. Why would Gale do that? I thought he was her boyfriend. And he hits her. How long has this been happening? My thoughts are intrupted as I hear Katniss sturring. Her eyes flutter open and I gives me a confused look.

"Peeta? What are you doing here? Where am I?" she asked. I knew she was afraid.

"Yeah, are you okay?" I asked laying my hand on her stomach making her jump. "I'm sorry I didn't get there earlier." I said looking down.

"What? You mean with Gale. You didn't have to help me." she said. I felt terrible.

"Does Gale beat you?" I asked. She looked away and bit her lip. I knew this face. She wanted to lie.

"KitKat, din't lie to me." I said. I knew her too good. She can't lie to save her life.

"You wanna know the truth!?" she almost yelled. "He does! Everyday it gets worse." tears are running down her face. She took my hand and squeased really hard. 

"Listen, if you let me I'll help you. You don't have to be worried anymore." I said. She smiled. I missed her smile.

"Can I go home?" she asked. I nodded and helped her up.

"They said you can skip the last two periods. I'll drive you home." I said. We walked to the parkinglot and got into my orange mustang. As I drive I notice that Katniss is shaking.

"Whats wrong?" I asked. She jumped at the sound of my voice.

"What if Gale comes to my house tonight. My stepdad and my mom both work nights. I'm all alone." she said. I couldn't let Katniss sit at home alone in fear.

"You can come to my house and spend the night there. We can stop at your house and pick up some clothes." I said. She thought for a while.

"Is that okay? What about your mother?" she asked. Katniss is the only one who knows about my mother, that she beats me.

"She's visiting her sister in Florida for the whole week." I said. "Alright, but only for one night." she said.

We stopped at her house and she got some clothes. Then we drove to my house. We walked inside where my older brother Rye was sitting, watching TV. 

"Katniss Everdeen. Havn't seen you for a while." he said. We sat down and I gave her a blanket. We watched TV for a while before I felt her head on my shoulder. I looked and saw that she fell asleep. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close.

"Peeta? What are you doing?" Rye asked giving me a confused look. He knew I loved Katniss and teased me about it all the time.

"She fell asleep and I want her to feel safe." I said. "And I....I....kinda." I couldn't finish.

"Yeah yeah. You love her. I know." he said waving his hand around.

At that moment Katniss woke up. "Peeta? Can you show me where to sleep?" she asked standing up. We stood up and walked upstairs to my room.

"What are we doing in your room?" she asked. I wanted her to sleep close to me so I knew if she was okay.

"Yeah, I want to make sure that your okay." I said. I crawled into my bed.

"If you need something I'll be downstairs." I said before walking back downstairs.

Katniss POV

I heard what Rye said. Does Peeta really love me? Why? I'm a Seam girl. I have nothing to offer. Peeta was my best friend and I loved him but now? I don't know. He broke my heart al its all because those Careers.


I'm sitting in the forest, crying. Peeta has been hanging out with some knew group called the Careers and he's been spreding rumors about me.

"KitKat?" Whats wrong?" Peeta asked from behind. I didn't need this right now.

"Don't call me that!" I snapped. He gave me a confused look.

"What do you mean? What did I do?" he asked. I stood up but my legs were wobbley.

"You know what you did. You've been saying shit about me!"  I yelled.

"Okay. What did I say about you?" he asked. I pulled out some pages I found taped to my locker that say from Peeta.

"Here, how about this. Peeta said you sleep with peacekeeps or Peeta said your the whore of the school and she gives free blowjobs in the girl's bathroom." I said.

"I never said those things!" he said. He almost yelled but stopped himself. 

"Who did? I trusted you as a friend and you spred bullshit like that." I said. "And your new friends? I hope you have fun with them cause our friendship is over!" I yelled before storming off.


I love him. I really love him and I want him to be mine but Delly's in my way. Why would he say he loves me if he's with Delly? At that moment Peeta walked in. I closed my eyes and waited untill he got into bed with me. He kept his distance and that bothered me. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his chest.

"Katniss?" he whispered. I knew I couldn't keep my feelings hiden long so I thought I should just tell him.

"Yeah?" I asked. He wrapped him arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

"You heard us downstairs, didn't you?" he asked.

"Yeah I thought you love Delly?" I said sitting up.

"No, I never loved Delly. The rest of the Careers kinda pushed me into the relationship."  he said sitting up as well.

"You really love me than?" I asked. He looked away and messed with his blanket. He always knew what to say but now? I knew that whenever he didn't know what to say he looked away.

"Yes KitKat. I really love you and I'm so sorry about all the shit I did to you and that I wasn't there when you're father and sister died." he said. I took his face in my hands and gave him a light kiss.

"Peeta. I love you but you really need to prove that you want to change. Leave the Careers and come to our group. Prove that your not ashamed of us and say sorry to Finnick and Annie." I said.

"I will. Anything for my KitKat." he said smiling. He kissed me back and we laid down. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

"Goodnight KitKat. Love you." he said. I love Peeta. I really love Peeta and he loves me.

"Love you too Peeeetaaaaa." I said like a little child. He chuckled softly as I always used to say his name like that.


This chapter was alot of fun to write. I hope you guys like it and I'm gonna post the next chapter today. 

Do you think they're relationship started to fast? Please tell me and be honest. Hope you like it and if you don't, thats fine.

Nikki ;)

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