Chapter 4 The Crash

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Katniss POV

Its been two weeks since Peeta and I are a couple. We're on our way to my grandparents for the weekend. He kinda nervous though. I told him that my grandfather was a marine and my grandmother is what we call a house dragon.

"What if they don't like me." he said nervously. I loved it when he was nervous.

"Peeta, it'll be fine. They'll like you." I said taking his free hand and giving it a kiss. It late because they lived 250 miles away.

"Maybe we should get a hotel for the night. I don't feel safe driving in the dark." he said.

"Its only about 15 miles left. We can make it." I said but at that moment we saw headlight heading straight for us and fast. Before Peeta could do something it hit us and everything went black.

I open my eyes and see a white light. Then I hear voices. I turn my head and see a man in a white coat enter the room.

"Miss Everdeen? I'm Dr. Rosin."  he said. "Are you feeling okay, does anything hurt or sting?" he asked. I tried to sit up but everything hurt. Mostly my stomach.

"My stomach hurts really bad." I said but then I noticed the cast on my arm. "And whats this?" I asked.

"In the crash you broke you're arm and the engine made the dashboard cave in and it crushed you stomach but your fine." he said.

"Peeta? Wheres Peeta?" I asked trying to get up but he pushed me back into bed.

"Easy, he's in the room next to you but theres three problems two were solved but one still stands." he said standing up.

"What? Whats wrong?" I was getting really worried now.

"The engine of the car crushed his lower left leg, just below the knee and we had to remove it. After that we lost him three times and if he doesn't get blood soon we'll lose him for good." he said. I can't lose Peeta.

"I'll give him blood if I have the same type." I said. I'll do anything to save him.

"You do but your 16. You need your parents permission." he said. He handed me my phone and I called my mom.

"Mom, can't explain. You need to talk to my doctor." I said handing him my phone and he left the room. After about 20 minutes he came back in.

"You're mother said its okay so we're gonna go over to Mr. Mellark." he said helping me up. The short walk to his room hurt like hell. We walked inside and Peeta was already awake. I stumbled out of Rosin's grip and into Peeta's arms.

"I'm sorry. We should have stopped. Its my fault." I said with tears running down my cheeks.

He ran his hand through my hair and kissed my cheek. "Its okay, and its not you're fault." he said. I ran my hand down his left leg but at his knee my hand dropped to the bed. More tears ran down my face.

"Please, KitKat. Don't cry. I hate to see you cry. Its not even that bad. Doesn't even hurt." he said pulling me in for a hug.

"Mr. Mellark? Katniss said she would give you blood." Dr Rosin said. I sat down next to Peeta's bed as the Dr. brought out a small hose with a needle at each end. One went in my arm and the other in Peeta's. After about ten or fifteen minutes I felt tired. I felt the needle pulled from my arm I was pick up and put into bed next to Peeta, I think and I shortly fell asleep.

Peeta POV

Katniss gave me blood that made me feel much better beside the fact that I lost my leg. It doesn't really matter though. As long as Katniss is okay. I call the ambulance that night before I passed out. 

"Mr. Mellark?" My doctor walked in and gave me a check up. I couldn't stop looking at Katniss.

"When can we go home?" I asked sitting up. He walked over to me and gave me a shot. "Two, three days. We got you a fake leg so you can walk. We'll start today." he said.

"Start with what?" I asked. He pulled out the fake leg and attached it to my knee or leg or whatever. I lifted my leg and it wasn't that heavy. I swung my legs out of bed and he helped me walk around the room a few times. It was pretty easy too.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." he said before leaving. I tried walking around a few times alone and it worked.

"Peeta?" Katniss said tiredly. I walked over to her and kissed her cheek. She smiled and pulled me closer.

"You missed." she whispered. I chuckled softly and gave her a long kiss. It almost became more just as a nurse walked in.

"Oh, sorry. its just you have visitors." she said. Rye, Finnick, Annie, and Johanna walked in. Annie and Johanna rushed over to Katniss as Rye and Finnick walked over to me.

"Hey man, you good?" Rye asked before giving me a hug but I stumbled back abit.

"I'm good but I lost a leg." I said pulling my pantleg up and showing everybody my fake, metal leg. All gasped and the sight of it and Katniss started crying again. I rushed over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Its okay, please. I'm fine. Its not your fault." I said kissing her forehead. She wrapped her arms around my chest and hugged me tightly.

"I love you Peeta. I'm sorry about your leg but I really want to go home and with you." she said and everyone in the room 'awwwwed'.

"We will in a few days. I promise. Then You and I will spend lots of time together." I said. She seemed happy with my words.

"Alright lovebirds. Can we please do somwthing with less kissing?" Johanna asked.

"I don't think so. We just like kissing to much." Katniss said pulling me down for another kiss.

I know that everything'll be fine and Katniss and I will be home in a few days.


Oh my god. When I started this Chapter I relised that instead of clicking new part I clicked new Story so I had to start all over again. But I finished it and it was fun. I hope it was okay.

Comment if you think I should change something and tell me what you think. And I got Dr. Rosin's name from TV cause I watching it right now. The guy is a famous german cook and I was like: Thats a good name.

Nikki :)

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