Chapter 13 Back to School

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Peeta POV

Its the first day of 11th grade. It sucks and I don't think Katniss is ready for all of this. School is starting so late because the whole school grounds were under construction. The alarm goes of waking me up from my deep sleep. I turn it off and turn to Katniss.

"Katniss? Babe, time to get up." I say shaking her lightly. She swats my hand away and groans. Thats my Katniss. Not a morning person at all. "Come on KitKat." she finally sits up with droopy eyes.

"Peeetaaa! I don't wanna!" she whines like a little child. I kissed her cheek and get out of bed. I pulled my shirt on and walked to the bathroom.

"Peeta!" Katniss yells. I walk back in to she her up and dressed. "You missed." she said. Really? Every time I kiss her cheek she just says 'you missed'. I walked over to her and give her a long kiss. I love kissing her but today its different. It feels so much better that I want more but we'll be late so I pull away.

"We can continue after school." I said before walking downstairs. She followed and we saw Haymitch and Jay. Jay was a month old and super cute.

"Morning little man." Katniss said giving him a small kiss. She proved herself to be a good big sister so far.

"Peeta? Are you gonna drive?" Katniss asked. As much as I love her, she's not the most safest driver.

"Yeah, but I need gas so we have to leave abit earlier." I said tying my shoes. She was ready so we said goodbye and walked out the door. We drove to the gas station and then to school where Annie, Finnick, Johanna and Clove were waiting for us.

"Hey guys. Have a good sommer?" Clove asked. We haven't really seen her because all summer she was visting family members.

"Yeah, a few problems but otherwise okay." Katniss said. I could see she was nervous about going back to school.

"Why don't you guys go ahead. We'll come in after." I said. They nodded and walked inside. Katniss wrapped her arms tightly around my chest.

"Peeta I can't go in there and face Delly. Please take me home." she pled. I kissed the top of her head.

"Katniss you can't go home. Delly won't mess with you I promise. I won't let her." I said. We walked inside and met up with the others. Delly was standing by lockers down the hall. We got our school plans and went to our first class. Katniss and I have same classes all day. Our first is History. As we sit there Katniss passes me a note.

Katniss.:My parents are gone tonight and Jay's at my aunts house. Wanna come over?

Me:Why not. But no sappy love movie.

Katniss:Okay but your making dinner.

Me:Why do I always have to cook?

Katniss:Because I can't cook a meal to save my life

Me:True and this teacher is crazy. Look at her hair.

Katniss:I had her last year. She's so crooked, she could swallow nails and spit out corkscrews.

Me:Your mean but thats funny as shit.

Katniss:Talk at ten min break?


After class we have a ten minute break to get to our next class. I'm standing at my locker waiting for Katniss whe she walks around the corner with a bloody nose. I rush over to her.

"What happened? Who did this?" I asked wipping the blood away. 

"Delly. Who do you think?" she said. I didn't think she would make trouble on the first day. "Peeta you promised." Oh great. Now I feel bad.

"Peeetaaa!" That voice I knew right away. Delly. I turned around and stormed over to her. "I know you'd come to me darling."

"You are the most annoying bitch I've ever met in my entire life. And whats your beef with Katinss?" I said trying not to start yell.

"Shes gonna pay for taking you from me." she says coldly. Wow.

"First of all she didn't take me from you. I left out of freewill. And secondly if you wanna go after someone go after me." I said. She just smiling and walked away. Whats wrong with her? I walk back to Katniss and see Johanna there.

"Hey Jo. Where have you been? We haven't seen you since that thing with Rye." I said. She looked at me and smiled. She never smiles.

"I talked it out with Rye and now we're a couple." she said. Okay, well I didn't see that coming.

"Katniss, I'm sorry. I should have stayed with you earlier." I said looking down. She pulled me in for a hug.

"Its okay. I'm fine but we'd better get going. Your gonna be late." she said. We had art and I was pretty excited. Even though we have it with Miss Trinket. We walk inside and sit down. Katniss lays her head on my shoulder.

"Okay class. I want you to draw something that you did this sommer." she said in her abnormaly high voice. Its higher than last year. Something I did this summer. I got an idea. I draw the forest and a sunset. In the foreground is Katniss and I sitting on the cliff with my hand on her's watching the sunset. It brings a big smile on Katniss's face. She kisses my cheek.

"Peeta, its beautiful. How's mine?" she asks showing me her picture. She could never really draw but this was great. It was a piece of bread with and arrow through it. It makes me laugh because of what really happened. I had laid a tray of fresh, hot bread on the table outside. Katniss was trying out one of her new bows when and arrow slipped out of her hand, hit a loaf of bread and got stuck in the wall right next to my head. She wouldn't stop saying sorry. I thought it was pretty funny.

"That is great." I say giving her a smile. The rest of the day was pretty good but I knew Delly was gonna turn this year into a living hell hole.


This was fun to write. It took two days because I just went back to school after a week out. 

Post a comment if you like this or have any problems.

Nikki :) 

District 12 High Schoolजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें