Chapter 3 Telling the Others

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Peeta POV

I open my eyes and see my beautiful Katniss. I can't believe she loves me. I thought she hated me. I have my arms wrapped around her waist. Its funny. She seems so small but thats fine. I kissed the top of her head and pulled her closer. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled.

"Morning handsome." she said messing with my hair. I loved her eyes and her smile. She made me smile.

"Handsome? I thought I was an asshole." I asked smiling. She playfully punched me in the chest.

"Your not. I'm sorry for calling you that. I'm the asshole for that." she said avoiding eye contact. I lifted her face and gave her a short kiss.

"Don't ever say that again. You're a beautiful, kind, caring girl and I love you. I did all the shit to you and I'm asshole." I said. She wrapped her arms around my chest and kissed my neck. A whole new feeling spred from my neck through my whole body.

"You'll tell the others today then?" she asked. I forgot about that.

"Yes, I promise." I said shaking her hand. At that moment Rye walked in.

"Oh, sorry lovebirds. I just wanted to tell you that school called and said that we don't have school because to many teachers are sick." he said before walking out.

"Cool. What you wanna do today?" I asked. She sat up and streched. I sat up as well and ran my fingers through her long brown hair.

"You grew your hair out. You always complained that it was too short." I said. She leaned back onto my chest and ran her hands up and down my thighs.

"Yeah well, I like my long hair but I love your's. Its so soft and fun to play with." she said playing with my hair.

"I'm glad you have something to play with. But say? Do you still love cheese buns?" I asked. Her eyes grew as her smile did as well.

"Yes, please! Do you have some?" she asked. I knew she loved my father' cheese buns but I knew how to make them now too.

"Better. I can make you some fresh ones if you want." I said. She jumped out of bed and dragged me downstairs to the kitchen.

"Cheese buns! Now!" she said pointing and the oven. I stood straight up and saluted like her soldier.

"Yes ma'am" I said putting my apron on as Katniss walked to the livingroom.

Katniss POV

Cheese buns. I couldn't wait. I haven't had cheese buns in years. I sat down in the livingroom. I pulled my phone out and started a group chat with, Finnick, Annie, and Johanna.

KitKat:Hey guys:) Come 2 Peeta's in 1 hour.

JoJo:What? Why?

Anniegrl:Did he do something?

FinFish:What did he do?

KitKat:No, he has too tell u guys something.

JoJo:Okay, wait. Did you fall for him?

KitKat:what u mean?

FinFish:did you sleep with him?

KitKat:what! no. god no. yeah i slept here but only because i was afraid of gale. he wants to tell you guys something.

Anniegrl:calm down. i believe you. we'll be there.

KitKat:wheres clove?

JoJo:at her aunts in nebraska. she told u

FinFish:we'll be there in ten.

At that moment Peeta walked in with a tray of fresh cheese buns. He put the tray down and sat down next to me.

"The others are on they're way." I said. I picked up a warn cheese buns and took a big bite. It tastes like gods made it.

"Oh. My. God. Peeta, these are soooooooo good." I said taking another big bite. He laughed as I stuffed bite after bite in.

"Slow down KitKat. You'll get sick if you eat too fast." he said. I slowed down and laid back on the couch just as the doorbell rang. Peeta stood up and open it to let in Johanna, Finnick and Annie.

"Peeta, what did you do!" Johanna asked sitting down next to me. She was way to protective of me.

"I didn't do anything but I do need to tell you something." Peeta said. Finnick and Annie sat down as well.

"I know you guys hate me but Katniss forgave me for all the shit I've done to her in the past and she made me promise to say sorry to you guys so here it goes. Finnick. You were my best friend and you made me relise that I really love Katniss. I hurt you and I'm an ass for that. Annie. You were a little ball of joy and you always made me laugh. I loved your cute little freak outs when you mom and dad kissed. And Johanna. I was always scared of you but I respected you. I know you have a soft side and I think you got bigger balls than half the guys at our school and you let people know not to mess with you or your friends." he said. That was immpresive.

Johanna stood up and walked over to him. She just stared at him and you could see the fear in his eyes. Then she did something really weird. She pulled him in for a hug.

"You are the biggest ass I've ever met but I still love you bread boy." she said. I was happy that they accepted Peeta back into the group but the Careers were next.

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