Chapter 7 Truth or Dare

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Peeta POV

The group arrived and we decided to play truth or dare. I promised Katniss that i would be good but she drives me crazy. We sat in a circle and started. Johanna spun first and it landed on Rye. Dare.

"You go and make ice nuts." she said. Ice nuts is when you take a bunch of ice and stuff it in you're underwear and leave it to melt but you have to be a guy.

"Bitch." he mumbled standing up and walking to the kitchen. He pulled an ice tray out, knock all the ice out and into his boxers. He screamed like a little girl and hopped around the room. We walked back to the livingroom and sat down. He spun the bottle and it landed on Katniss. Truth.

"How many times have you had sex with Peeta?" he asked smiling. She blushed and looked away.

"Twice." she said quietly. Everybody looked at her with big eyes.

"I thought that last night was your first time. When was the second time?" Johanna asked. Katniss hid behind me but I thought I might as well tell them.

"This morning in the shower." I said making them gasp. "Alright, enough. Katniss doesn't want to talk about this. Its private.".

She spun the bottle and it landed on Finnick. Dare.

"You like Twilight, right?" she asked. He rolled his eyes. "Then take your shirt off, go to Miss Trinket's house and yell, Bella, Bella please pick me. I ten times hotter than that sparkling little fairy. And Necrophilia is a crime!" she said. Oh my god, if he does that I'll give him 50 bucks just for making my day.

He stood up, took his shirt off but I covered Katniss's eyes and he walked out. We followed him to Miss Trinket's house who was a huge Twilight fan and loved Edward. Finnick walked up to her house and yelled "Bella, Bella please pick me. I'm ten times better than that sparkling fairy. And Necrophilia is a crime" before runnng back to us and back to Katniss's house.

He spun the bottle and it landed on me. Dare.

"I dare you to french kiss Katniss for 3 minutes without stopping." he said. Oh, well this is easy. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against her's. Our lips moved in sync as her tongue battled with mine and everybody watched us.

"3...2...1" everybody cheered but we didn't stop. "Lovebirds! Its enough.Johanna yelled breaking us apart. I spun the bottle and it landed on Johanna. Dare. Why is everybody picking dare?

"Okay, Headmaster Snow likes to smoke right? I want to to get naked, get a bucket and fill it with water. Then go to his house, get him to come outside. Pour the water over his and say "If you keep smoking, you'll never have a sexy smoking body like mine." and run away." I said and everybody looked at her with big eyes.

Without hesitation she stood up ans began to undress but Katniss covered my eyes. I groaned in frustration and wasn't alowed to see untill she had everything and had left. We got up and followed her to Snow's house. 

She got there and yelled "Snow! Come out here!" He walked outside with a cigerette in his hand. She dumped the water over his head and yelled "If you keep smoking you'l never have a sexy body like me!" Than she ran away as he chased her and we all ran back to Katniss's house and locked the door. When we got there I sat down nest to Rye but felt water on my pantleg. I looked down and saw Rye sitting in a puddle.

"Dude, you pissed yourself." I said smiling. He gave me a death glare that made me scoot away from him.

When Johanna was back and dressed it was 2:30am. We decided to go to bed. Katniss cuddled up next me and we both fell asleep.


Katniss POV

I opened my eyes and see the sunlight shining through the windows. I was resting my head Peeta's chest. I looked around to see everbody still sleeping. Annie with Finnick, and Johanna with Rye, wait. Johanna with Rye. The girl with the balls of steel gone soft? I shook Peeta awake.

"Peeta, look." I whispered pointing at Johanna and Rye. He looked at them and smiled. 

"Wait untill she wakes up. She'll be pissed." he said before giving me a kiss on my cheek.

"You missed." I said. He turned and gave me a long kiss that turned french but he pulled away.

"Peeetaaaa." I whined but he just smiled and rested his head back on his pillow. Come on, really. I climbed on top of him and kissed his neck making him moan quietly.

"Katniss, you drive me crazy. You know that?" he said pulled he down for a long kiss. He ran his hands up and down my back but I wanted his hands on my butt. Does that sound perverted? I took his hand and put it on my butt and he got the hint. I felt his excitment rise so I slid down further so I was right above it. his grib on my butt tightened. I got up and dragged him upstairs to my room.

I locked the door behind us and we had alot of fun that morning. It couldn't get more perfect than this.


Okay, another sex scene but I'm a pervert. What can I say?

If you liked this chapter or if something is wrong let me know.

Nikki ;)

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