Chapter 13

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"All of the times that we had together, we should've known nothing lasts forever."



I woke at 6:30 to my phone blasting Midnight memories by One Direction. That probably wasn't the best song choice because I could stay in bed listening to those five boys for hours.

With that in mind, I forced myself out of bed and went to the washroom. The best thing to wake me up is splashing cold water on my face because I hate the cold, so that's what I did.

Now that I was fully awake, I could get ready for school. As I brushed my teeth, I thought about the amazing day Aaron and I had on Saturday. It was suppose to be a whole weekend together but I had to help my grandma move. But with us, a day was like an infinity.

When I finished brushing my teeth and showering, I threw on a floral skirt and oversized cream knit sweater. It was light and floaty, just like I felt.

I have decided to stop wearing makeup all together. I already have a boyfriend and he thinks I look better without it so who am I trying to impress?

I combed out my hair and put it in a fishtail braid that fell on my left shoulder. When I was finished getting ready, I went downstairs and saw my mom making breakfast. She was never one of those make breakfast type moms but she sure looked like she got the hang of it.

She had made two stacks of pancakes, four eggs and a plate of bacon with fresh fruit on the side.

"wow mom, I'm impressed. I didn't even know you knew how to work an oven." I said teasing her a bit.

"be nice" she said while throwing the towel draped over her shoulder at me. I dodged it and took a seat at our little yellow kitchen table.

The house was quiet with just her and I but today it didn't feel so tense.

She poured some orange juice in both our cups then took her place on the seat across from me.

We made small talk first but then we escalated to talking about everything that's happened to us lately. I even told her about Aaron.

She put her hand over mine and said "you've come a long way."

I looked her in the eyes. "we both have." And for the first time for as long as I can remember, we shared a nice moment.

We got so carried away that we both did a little jump when we heard the honk coming from outside. It was Aaron picking me up for school.

I put my plate in the sink and grabbed my bag. "thanks for making breakfast mom. bye."

"bye Naia... I love you"

I stopped in my tracks and turned around

"I love you too mom, so much."

She smiled at me and I left.

The car ride with Aaron was just like our Skype conversation, filled with us singing at the top of our lungs to whatever was on the radio. Except this time, we were able to hold hands.

When we pulled up to the school we passed by Leoran and she scowled at me. I decided to have a little fun and blow her a kiss. I know provoking her isn't a good idea but I wanted her to know how happy I was, even though she tried to knock me down.

We drove right past her and found a parking spot for Aaron's car. Then we walked into the school holding hands. We were a power couple and nothing could tear us down.

The day passed by un-eventful since Aaron and I only had homeroom together and the fact that I still didn't have any actual friends.

At lunch when I was going to find Aaron, Pia came up to me.

"Naia, coach Anderson wants to see you in the gym."

Pia didn't even look at me when she spoke. Her eyes were hidden under her baseball cap. I hope she felt ashamed.

Pia led the way to the gym. I thought it was weird that coach Anderson wanted to see me considering I was only in his class for one semester in grade 9 and I was one of the worst student because all I could do was run. I couldn't really play any sports.

Anyway, when I turned to the hallway where the gym was, I almost fainted. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Leoran Carter had her lips pressed against Aaron's.

I could feel the tears fill my eyes. I could feel the emotions building up. I could feel myself falling right back into where I was before. This wasn't good.

I ran out of that hallway and sprinted all the way home. When I unlocked the door I saw my mom on the coach. She turned and looked at me. She must have taken in my state because her face changed from confusion to sympathy.

"oh honey."

I ran into her arms and cried on her shoulders. My chest felt heavy and I couldn't breath. I was getting snot and tears all over my mothers shirt but she didn't care.

She just let me cry, and cry, and cry.


Authors note

i didnt proof read so sorry if there are mistakes. but aww poor Naia! just when she was getting well again, Leoran had to tear her down. smh



what does Aaron do about this mess?

what is going on in Naia's head?

I promise Naia makes some friends soon ;p

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