Sun and Moon

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"What a positively infuriating little rodent!" Vivia blurted once they were out of earshot. "I cannot believe you're related to him! By blood!"

Luc chuckled but it was a strained sound. "Only through one parent, my darling."

"I swear, I think he was glaring holes into my skin! What an intolerable human being, I've never encountered anyone more unpleasant."

Luc was quiet after that. Of course, Vivia had only been in the palace a few hours and already she was putting her foot in her mouth and offending people. She was so caught up in her own thoughts she hadn't realized they were outside until the summer air hit her. They entered a sort of garden like maze, where the walls were tall covered in vines that sprouted colorful flowers. She heard the sound of rushing water in the distance and as they walked further into the maze found that there was a massive water fountain. They passed it and she stopped in front of him.

"Forgive me," she said and he frowned. "I say such stupid and foolish things when I'm nervous. This place overwhelms me and I offended you. I'm sorry."

Luc as quick to take her in his arms. "What? Absolutely not, I'm very aware of how of an ass Hesman is," he smirked at her. "Personally, I believe I'm the superior sibling."

She laughed.

"That wasn't what I was thinking about. Come."

Luc led her down another narrow path and when they emerged there was a small circle with two benches facing each other. On either side were paths leading somewhere else in the maze. He gestured for her to sit down and she did, him taking the seat beside her. Even though the bench was wide enough for four people, for some reason they sat so closely together his legs were tangled in the ruffles of her skirt. They always had to be that way--close to each other.

"I was only thinking about what will change now that you're here."

"Nothing will change," she insisted. "There's still a very good chance I'll marry you."

Luc was so lost in his own deep thoughts he didn't react to her teasing. "The Palace makes a terrible man out of me. I fear that once you see who I become, you'll be prompted to leave. And with good reason."

She shook her head to firmly it gave her a migraine. "Absolutely not, Luc--"

"You say that now," he told her with a melancholy smile. "You will see what I mean in the months to come."

Vivia didn't want him to think that she was disregarding everything he was trying to tell her. She took a moment to listen and process his words but admittedly it didn't matter. Nothing in the world was going to make her love him less. Their love was not something born out of spontaneity, instantly, or passion. It was a love that grew with time and tenderness. It was the kind of love where two people knew each other completely, the ins and the outs, the good and the bad. But they loved every part of one another and accepted them as they were.

"Not a thing in this world could change my love for you, Lucien Novena. Not if the sun fell from the sky or the moon crashed into the stars. You are my family." she crinkled her nose. "Crown Prince or not."

"You've made a man out of me, Vivia Ellspire. I don't know who I'd be without you."

He took both of her hands in his and kissed them gingerly. She could not imagine her life without Luc. She loved him. She wished that he didn't feel so unworthy of her. If anything, wouldn't it technically be the other way around? He was the future King of Novena and she was just a commoner. Sometimes, she forgot that little detail.

"You needn't be that way with me. We both know that you're the one receiving the short end of the stick here. I have no title, no dowry, no political connections..." Vivia paused. She looked at him. "How did you even get your father to agree to this?"

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