A Little Argument

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Peter Quill's POV

"Gotta hurry up now..." Peter said, running inside the ship after landing the craft he'd taken to Earth.

Fortunately, everyone was asleep, for not one went out to go to the toilet or simply hung around. Peter sighed. Then he saw Gamora. She was walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water. She also noticed Peter.

"You're back. Lucky I convinced Mantis to make them go to sleep early, including her."

"Sorry. I just brought a bunch of Earth flowers to my mom. Talked to her for a bit, too."


"I bought them there, don't panic."

Peter stood there, trying to say something. But he couldn't, so he said good night to Gamora and tried to go to his room. She pulled him back, though.

"We aren't done yet."

"Uh, what are you talking about?"

Gamora faced Peter almost indignantly. "Why did you--why did you kiss me?"

"You know me. Besides, I have wanted to do that for months since we defeated Ronan. No, more like a freaking year!" Peter said.

"Peter Quill, you'll regret doing that sooner or later. You will. And I promise you, the whole team shall know. Don't ask me to calm down."

"Damn. I didn't say anything."

"I just did so you can save your breath."

"By the way, you've been eating galactic grape biscuits again," Peter said, biting his lip. "I told you to brush your teeth before you go to sleep, Gamora. You are not a child anymore."

"Well, why the hell did you make them anyway?"

"Uh, before my mother had cancer she taught me how to bake. Literally. And I got bullied in school for learning how. I just miss my mom, okay? You guys have no respect. And here I thought the green girl staring at me lost her parents and was kidnapped by Thanos on the same day."

"I have nothing to say. Except this--Peter, you are the biggest idiot the galaxy has ever known."

"And you are the biggest backstabbing, unnatural green jerk the universe has ever known. You never met my kind, huh? Some of them weren't idiots. They got a life and didn't drink, listen to music, wasn't abducted by blue aliens with arrow-controlling red fins, joined a criminal crew, or met up with a talking raccoon, a walking tree, a dangerous green woman and a guy who doesn't even know what the hell a metaphor means."


"Well, Gamora, at least Thanos wasn't an insane Celestial who was lonely and wanted to recreate versions of himself into each planet. He was merely a power-hungry, obesessed with Infinity Stones a-hole. They're one and the same thing. No one cares!"

"Peter!" said Gamora. "Listen to me! If you're sober, why are you acting so strangely? I care. The other Guardians care, though they have a rougher way of showing it. And we're family. We share what troubles us the most, and we try to fix them up! But you're a real, shameful disappointment. We've all suffered here!"

"You stole my script."

"Why are you mad?" Gamora asked, her voice turning gentle. "Is it because of...that we treat you bad sometimes? What is it?"

"Gamora, you know it already."

"Huh? I don't get it."

"Um...fine. I'm having issues, I guess. No more living relatives. The loved ones I knew all died. You guys treat me rough. And though I'm used to it, just looking at what the crap I've been through and you stare at me like I'm a five-year-old in a business meeting."

"You're kinda stupid at times, to be honest."

"I would know."

"I'm sorry. But I still don't get why you kissed me. Do you have feelings for me?"

"Why do you ask? It's not like you're gonna accept me and live happily ever after like the endings of children's stories."

"We may not be."


"Well, Groot has been teasing me lately...I'm sorry, but Mantis knows, because I cracked and..." Gamora buried her face in her hand. Peter awkwardly put his arm around her and patted her in the back.

"None of that matters anymore. I'll take all the blame for you, though I hope Rocket won't give us another 'punishment' week."

Peter smiled at Gamora, who looked at him blankly. He quickly put his arm away from her, desperate not to argue again, for the mood for fighting was gone.

"Look, I was--turned--a little weird because everyone's loss hurts. Even my father, though he could have been a pain in the neck, was sort of sincere at his emotions. Also, something just told me to kiss you. Really sorry about that. And maybe I'll stop making galactic grape biscuits. They no longer make sense to me."

"No way. I eat them as a snack."

"Didn't I tell you they tasted horrible? That was because the recipe was just purely nonsense I made up. Plus, I think Groot found some."

"That can't be good, can it?"


Peter and Gamora stood there for a few minutes, looking awkwardly at each other.

"Well, I'm sleepy now with all my tedious explanations. Night, Gamora." Peter said, starting to walk out.

"Wait!" Gamora said. "All the things you said--were they true? Or are you flirting again?"

"Yeah, what made you think I was lying? You know, Gamora, people do crazy things when they're in love."

Peter looked embarrassed when he said this, but kept his cool. Gamora colored. "See you later. Help me later when I explain, but don't say a word about our little secret."

Gamora made a zip-your-mouth gesture. Peter was satisfied with this and went to his room. When he went there, the first thing he did was bury his face in his pillow and went to sleep, jacket and all.

Well done!

And we are done with the story (or so think). When the right idea comes, maybe I'll add a new bit to the book once in a while.

I also apologize for playing the pronoun game (overuse of pronouns--I watch CinemaSins) in some parts. I also don't like to curse, so I only drop subtle words. I also add "" to punishment week because it's basically just a challenge and task. Peter just said if it was a punishment.

Also, what does preference and one-shots mean? I'm a new person here and I'm very, very clueless. I read the former, and admittedly they are very good *sobs*. I think it would be interesting to try my writing in a work like those, though it may get cruddy. *sighs* Please tell me in the comments.

Cheers! 🍻🍷🍸🍺🍹🍶

Have a good day!

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