A Hopeless Situation

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Peter Quill's POV

"Gamora, I didn't ask you to tell about my feelings over the other Guardians or to defend my butt from their insults. This is messed up. I know you wanted to do the right thing, but--"

"But what? Look, if we're not saving the galaxy, at least we must stay united! I have lived too long as a living weapon. I had lived a rough life, and me sticking up for others...do you think it's a new change or not?"

Peter and Gamora sometimes fought. Minutes later, the former would apologize and the latter was forced to accept it. The other Guardians gave them space do argue, but if it lasted long, they would try to lessen the hostility. This time, they were at each other's throats because Gamora confessed about the group meeting and its subject.

"I wasn't thinking that you were going to defend me," said Peter, testing his words carefully. "I was hoping you'd keep it to yourself and influence the others to treat me more accordingly, but...a person like you wouldn't care so much." Peter hoped that Gamora wouldn't be offended.

"I want to do the right thing, believe me. Before Thanos abducted me, I tried to do good deeds for others. But then, against my will, I changed. My innocence was gone. I was heartless, cold, murderous, and vain. Peter, you showed me what an act of goodness was like again. I strived to be like you. We saved the galaxy together with Drax, Rocket, Groot, and again with Mantis. You did something for me and I returned it."

"Wow, Gamora, I've never seen you like this. So sentimental. But all that you said...you actually see me like that?"

"Well...more or less. Don't let it make you conceited, though. You're going to be more annoying."

"Oh, okay. Just--wow."

Gamora smiled. Peter looked at her. She really had a little respect for him after their adventures together. He wanted to jump for joy, hug her, or do both. But he didn't do any of those things.

"All right, then." Peter said, putting his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "I'll see you later." He walked away. He needed some time alone.

"Peter, what's wrong?" he heard Gamora call out, but he didn't hear. Peter was overwhelmed for some reason. Ever since he went back to Earth, all he had left were his friends. The green girl behind him was probably confused.

Peter Quill actually loved Gamora. He would do crazy stuff just for her. He wanted to protect her, even though that seemed far-fetched. But if the other Guardians knew, would they still be a team that the galaxy might need in the future? No way. They would quit. Peter, as the leader, didn't want that to happen. It was selfish to love someone while neglecting the others who have been in your side for a time.

Now at his room, he took off his jacket and buried himself at the bedsheets. He wanted to cry. And so he did. He was simply sad--just a little. There was a knock at the door.

"Please go away. I don't want company." Peter mumbled, his mind racing for better excuses. The intruder--or intruders, rather--turned out to be Groot and Rocket. Fortunately, Peter had stopped crying. He took a quick check on the mirror. His eyes weren't red, thankfully.

"Have things been okay with you and Gamora? We're concerned. Gamora says you just ran off like a coward on your argument."

"I'm not feeling great..." Peter mumbled slowly, drool dribbling all over his mouth. He wiped it quickly. Rocket had no sign of being grossed out. He only shook his head, saying, "Have you been drinking? Are you sober?"

"I'm fine..."

"I am Groot. I am Groot."

"Shut up, Groot, I don't see any alcohol...look, whether you're drunk or not, if you need anything, we're just on the next room. Gamora's coming here."

"Thanks..." Peter murmured.

The walking tree and talking raccoon had left the room shortly, mumbling about sickness and being drunk. True to Rocket's words, Gamora came over. When Peter saw her, his heart was beating faster than usual.


"What's wrong? Are you okay?"


"Tell me, please. Do you remember that family shares what troubles them most and will try to fix it up?"

"All right." Peter said this very fast. "What Mantis said is true. Gamora, you have no idea how much I love you. But I don't want the team to be aware of that, because we'll be separated and family never should separate. It's stupid to assume that you feel the same way. You deserve to be happy with someone else."


"Now that you know, maybe you could tell everyone and the Guardians of the Galaxy won't be a thing anymore."

"Peter, I'd never do that!"

"But you totally can! Okay, bye."

A few minutes of silence. Peter was now looking away at Gamora. Now that she knew, he couldn't look her in the eye.

"Uh, Gamora, you can get out of here. There's this thing called a "door." I apologize for being rude, but I have no clue why you should stay."

"That's because I wanted to try this out."

Peter stared at Gamora as she came nearer and closer to him. And something happened.

Gamora actually kissed Peter.

"Did you just kiss me? Because--wow."

"Well," said Gamora, turning a dark shade of green, "That's kind of what it takes to make someone better."


Sweet mother of potatoes, I finally did a long part! Yay! I wonder what to write next...

I am so overwhelmed. 312 reads, it said when my cousin checked out this book. OMG yes!!! LOL. I said something in Tagalog and jumped up and down for joy. My book is read by some people!

Totally going crazy in my head, so to help keep me sane, here's some ice cream! 🍨🍧🍦🍨🍧🍦🍨🍧🍦🍨🍧🍦🍨🍧🍦

Stay tuned! Have a nice day!

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