Getting Defensive

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Gamora's POV

"It's true. Peter feels intimidated by you guys. You all need to fix your attidude. He is attempting to improve his own. We can't just tell him he's stupid. It affects him. All of us stay like this and we still hurl insults at him. We're family, remember?" Gamora said, putting her hands on top of the table.

"Did he really tell you all that?" Rocket asked softly, the complete opposite of his usual voice.
Gamora grabbed the chance to have a meeting with the group while Peter was away. He went alone sometimes and tacked notes to everyone's doors at night while everyone else slept. When they would wake up, they were notified. He would be gone for a few hours at most. But not today. Peter had disappeared, and after searching, Gamora called for a meeting.

"You guys behave. You act like a bunch of naughty children picking on someone. Peter is from Earth. Everyone behaves differently, but using one's attitude advantage in a way that hurts him or her is a bad idea," said Gamora, waving a hand to Rocket, Drax and Groot. "No offense, but you're taking Peter's stupidity way too far."

"You said it." Drax replied.

"What I mean is that you're idiots sometimes, picking on Peter when he did nothing wrong. If you had rather didn't, then Ronan and Ego were earlier history. If you wouldn't get too cocky and stole those batteries," said Gamora, pointing at Rocket, "then we wouldn't have been chased by the High Priestess Ayesha. Yes, it did help save our lives, but you need your brains to think, not your balls."

"I did use my brains to think about making those batteries a bomb."

"Who told you to steal them? Was that part of the deal?" retorted Gamora. Rocket hung his head in shame. Drax smirked.

"Put yourselves in Peter's shoes. If your family died...if you had been kidnapped by a bunch of space pirates, what were you going to do? I'm defending Peter because he had his fair share of abuse and torment. And I know how it feels."

"Is the change going to be temporary?" asked Drax. Mantis frowned at him.

"No..." Gamora said, her voice trailing off.

"From what I hear, you mistreat Peter Quill. All of us must behave properly in order to not be disbanded. Listen to Gamora," said Mantis. Rocket opened his mouth to say something, but Drax shook his head.

"Do you want anything to say, Groot?" Gamora offered, looking at the sentient tree.

"I am Groot."

"He says he's sorry for making fun of your... relationship," said Rocket, looking at Groot, who was looking at the floor.

"Guys, I'm serious." Gamora said. "Please take your time to think about this. Research about this if you want. But no one will feel inferior anymore, understand?" The other four Guardians nodded.

"Then the meeting is adjourned," she murmured. They went out of the meeting room, a new train of thought in each of their brains.

Meanwhile, Gamora went to her room and sat down. She sighed sharply and turned to the circular communication device, or a comm for short, contacting Peter.

"Hey there," he said when he picked up. "Don't tell me you guys were fighting again. Or had argued about something small. I'm on my way there, don't worry."

"Where did you go? I was worried about you," said Gamora. She didn't mind about her choice of words, so she was surprised when Peter noticed.

"I'm fine. Feeling okay. I'm sober, so don't worry. I was...talking to someone important about a deal. Although the unit value was awesome, I put the matter much better thought, and--oh, crap, asteroid belt! Hold on a second."

Gamora could hear Peter avoiding the asteroids, remembering that time when they had to pass through a quantum asteroid cluster and were being chased by Ayesha's forces. Then there was a lot of static, and the signal was cut.

"Sorry about that," said Peter when the signal was back on. "I said to the person that we would withdraw for a while, but I'll contact him soon." Gamora sighed in relief.

"I'm going to go," she said as she held the comm, ready to turn it off. She caught an "Okay, bye" from Peter. She turned the comm off. Gamora punched her pillow savagely. Why did she sound so concerned? And why didn't she also ask who the person whom Peter was talking about. I guess I'll have to ask him, she thought to herself.

Her feelings were uncertain at the moment. So she lay down and closed her eyes, slowly drifting to sleep. What she didn't know was that minutes later, Peter had already arrived at the ship.

Writing is life.

OMG, I finally came up with this chapter! I hope you're not too disappointed. Sorry about my author note, with lots of stuff happening I became crazy or something, because memes are also my life. Why, why would anyone take delight in an author note...I'm so pathetic.

This is short but I had other ideas branching out from this book like Groot's little leaves growing, amirite? So keep calm and read other books while waiting. I'm so paasa...don't ask what it means. Fine, it means I keep you guys you know.

*sigh* Here's some bread and tea... 🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞 🍶🍶🍶🍶🍶🍶🍶🍶

Have a nice day!

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