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This person has so graciously tagged me!

Let's begin!

1: I like strawberry ice cream, but not so much strawberries themselves. I'll eat them, but I don't really like them.

2: While playing card games, I have a bad habit of making moves I KNOW will make the game keep going and potentially make me lose. I find it amusing to see the frustration on people's faces when I do that.

3: I am taken, but I still like to fangirl over fictional characters and hope that they come to life. (You can ask i_is_sushi my best friend. She does it too. XD)

4: My favorite things to draw are flowers, specifically roses. I don't know why. I just do. I can draw and shade them in under five minutes. (Again. You can ask i_is_sushi )

5: I have one sister and one stepbrother who I barely know (thanks, dad.)

6: My stepmother is not actually my stepmother since she and my dad aren't married. I hate the lady's guts. She can go die in a hole. She hates me and my sister. Doesn't like us. She's the reason my dad doesn't spend time with us.

7:  I used to have an imaginary friend named Ariel.

8: I used to have another imaginary friend named Angel. I actually scared the crap out of my aunt one time because she found me talking to him. It went like this....

My aunt: Who are you talking to, sweetie?
5 year old me: My friend....
My aunt: Where are they?
Me: *points to next to her* Right there. Can't you see him?

My aunt watches a lot of scary movies with demon possessed children so needless to say, she flipped out. She went inside her house and talked to my mom about it. They were both looking at me through the kitchen window and staring at me seemingly talking to the fence. My mom told her that it was just my imaginary friend. I only found out about this until a couple weeks ago, but I still found it pretty fucking hilarious. XD

9: Me and my sister are partners in crime and it started at a pretty young age. When we were toddlers, she was the one who could climb. So whenever we wanted cookies that we couldn't reach, I'd give her a boost, she'd start climbing and I'd keep watch.

10: I often changed homes as a child. I used to live at my grandma's (my dad's mom) house. She has a two story yellow house that is REALLY old. Anyways, so when I was living there, apparently I would tell my mom that I couldn't go upstairs. She would ask me why and I would say that "the little girl told me not to go upstairs." She didn't believe me until my sister started saying the exact same thing. Then she told us NOT to go upstairs. I started thinking about this a while ago and actually remembered the little girl's name. Her name was Suzi and I don't remember her being too nice.

11: I'm allergic to lavender and sand. Yeah, I know. It's been a pretty sad life for me. But what annoys me is that one of my aunts knows this and she still buys lavender toilet paper, so I can't even go to the restroom at her house anymore. (-_-)

12: My zodiac sign is Cancer and no, I don't cry a lot like the stupid stereotype says. I am, however, highly imaginative, emotional, and persuasive when I want to be. My bad traits are that I'm manipulative, moody, insecure, and pessimistic.

13: I have a very old chihuahua who is lazy one minute and hyper the next. (She is basically a reflection of me, tbh. XD)

And the people I choose to curse with this tag are:
1. i_is_sushi
2. TicciBrooke
3. Julie_The_Tiger
4. eyeless32
5. TheHalf-BloodProxy
6. Forgotten_Demigod
7. AngelCerda0 (I asked Synthia. She agreed that I should put you here.)
8. greyripple123
9. EyelessJack180
10. scarletproxy
11. -The_original_Taz-
12. JemTheBookworm
13. Infinityqueen7



Oh, who am I kidding? I don't run....

Well, I'll just sit with my bat handy. ( Julie_The_Tiger I will even keep my windows closed. XD)

BYE EVERYONE!!!  \(^-^)/

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