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==>Fanfic Creator: Be Karkat.

You are now Karkat Vantas and you were just hit in the head with Harley's silver duck. You lightly touch your forehead realizing there's a bruise. You look around for the duck. Where the fuck is that duck? Then you noticeJohn is staring at you. You also realize you're not moving, just laying on the ground like a doofus. You try to move but you can't.


Your response is only a blink.

"y-you're bleeding..."


"o-oh... okay... i guess i am..." He then walks to you and drags you onto the couch. He calls for help as you pass out.

==>Unconscious Karkat: Be future worried little boy.

You are now future worried little boy. Your name is John Egbert. You are sitting next to your friend Karkat Vantas. He previously got hit in the head with a random-ass silver duck that harley brought in. Sometimes you think she wants to rid of Karkat. So far she has hit him with a knife and when we went bowling that one day she hit Karkat with her bowling ball. It was too obvious they weren't accidents, but then again you're oblivious to things. She doesn't like him cause he's all mean and angry.

Anyways, you look at Karkat. He looks so peaceful sleeping in the hospital bed. You lean over him and gently kiss his forehead then go back to how you were sleeping. You aren't a homosexual though. Well at least that's what you think. You're just going to stay here till he wakes up.

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