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[[warning, this part is smut. also sorry for taking so long. shit went down. :[ also wow karkat is a bossy shit, sorry about that.]]

==>John: Be Karkat.

You pulled away from the kiss, you don't want this. Well... Not right now anyways. You scoot away from John. "I'M SORRY JOHN," you start pathetically, "I-I'M NOT READY." "yes you are, karkat." This surprised you, never in a million sweeps would you expect that response from him. You fall off the surface humans call 'beds' and sleep on, onto the floor. You quickly get up staring at John. You let out a sigh and tell him to get on the floor. He gets up and lays on the floor, you get down and hover over him. Not really knowing what to do you kiss his neck, earning a soft moan. You kiss and lick pretty much every spot on his neck until he lets out a louder moan, you then focus on one spot. Licking, kissing, and sucking on that part. The sounds he makes is like music to your ears as you continue this.

You can feel hands travel up your shirt. Losing interest in his neck you pull off your shirt. "SHIRT," you say to John as you throw yours in a random direction. He takes off his shirt and throws it where you threw your shirt. You look at his shirtless body and sit up straddling his hips. "WHAT ARE THESE?" You ask pressing one of the nubs on his chest. You notice he bites his lip,"ARE THEY LIKE HUMAN HORNS?" He nods a little, even though he didn't know horns were sensitive. You lean down and lick one, theres a tiny pathetic squeaking sound coming from the boy, you rub the one you're not licking. You begin to suck and squeeze them, John's body shakes. Suddenly, you sit up leaving the nub unoccupied. "PANTS," you move off of him as he removes his pants and throws them where the shirts were. You remove your pants as well and toss them in the pile. "UNDERGARMENT," two more pieces of clothing were added to the pile. You eye his bulge questioningly, "DO THEY ALL LOOK LIKE THAT?" He nods. Humans are weird. You lay on your back,"OKAY, YOU'RE IN CHARGE NOW, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING ANYMORE."

Next thing you know is theres a naked John hovering over you.

==>Karkat: Be the Other Boy.

You are now the other boy. You know your name, therefore I do not need to type it again. You are currently hovering over this beep beep meow. I mean Karkat. You are also naked. Yippee. You lick one of his horns, recalling how Karkat referred to them while asking about your nippley dealies. I mean nipples. He blushes. You begin to rub a horn while sucking on the other, you continue this until you feel something touch your dicky thingy. Why does this writer call it a dicky thingy you wonder, but you don't wonder because you do not have time for such shenanigans. You squeak and stop sucking on the horn, Karkitty whines like 'nu why you staphing?'. You rub the other horn a bit harder and kiss the troll passionately. Yep, its just as you thought, something warm and wet is wrapped around your dicky thingy. You don't know what it is, but you aren't going to question it. Would you question things that feel good? No? Didn't think so. Anyways, while the narrator was saying that, you recall this thing called 'air', ever heard of it? No? Well it's kinda this thing that you breathe every day of your life, unless you're dead, if so, sorry for rubbing in the fact that you can't breathe. I hope you died happily. Oh yeah, you kinda break the kiss for this air thing, its easy to get cause its everywhere though, so you repair the kiss in no time. You rub the horn a bit harder, the troll boy muffles a moan, and this thing is still on your dick and its moving. But it feels good so yeah.

==>Please stand by while the author decides to get serious.





==>Sorry about the interruption, now back to your scheduled smut.

You are still John. You let go of the horn and break the kiss, you move pull away from the warm wet thing. Karkritter whines cause he's a needy little puppy, ok he's not a puppy or very needy but u get the point. You kind of adjust your position, he sees what you doing and adjusts positions too. Okay so you were feeling down there and he seems to have a tentacle and a vagina. Weird but oddly arousing. The tentacle wraps around your wrist as you begin to finger the weird mangina thing. After a while of fingering you insert a second finger. He is moaning and such as you continue this. Once you feel him tightening up you remove the fingers and slide your hand and wrist away from the tentacle, bringing you hand to your mouth you seductively lick the red juices off of your fingers. You can feel his tentacle squirming and such, its rather gross, but you don't care. You move your hand back near karkat's tentacle and sort of grasp it. You being to pump it. Karkat's sounds are telling you you're doing something right. You can feel your bulge aching so you decide to prod at karkat's mangina entrance, looking at him with those eyes. He returns the look so you take that as an 'i'm ready' and push into him.

God, the sounds this troll makes, and the way he feels, you only have one word to describe this, 'amazing'. His face is dusted with that adorable mutant color of his. His hair, as messy and black as ever. The list goes on forever.

You continuously thrust into the troll while pumping is strange alien penis, you eventually hit a spot that makes him arch his back. You continuously hit that spot, feeling him getting tight once again. Due to the tightness you can feel something forming in you. You speed up, still hitting that one spot and pumping his tentacle, you both climax, moaning out eachother's names. Then you sort of fall forward onto your troll lover, panting, you pull out of him eventually. Then you both sort of cuddle on the floor saying their 'i love you's and falling asleep.

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