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==>John: Be awaking troll.

You are now the awaking troll. You yawn and open your eyes, waiting to adjust as everything is blurs. As soon as your eyes adjust you hear soft snoring and look at your arm. You see the cute raven haired buck toothed derp you flushed for so much. Wait, flush? God damn it Karkat, you aren't flushed for him. You hate him! You hate him with a passion! Who are you kidding? You are extremely flushed for this little guy. He's asleep with his arms wrapped around you arm, his head your shoulder. How long has it been? Did he stay that whole time? Did he really care? You don't really remember why you're here or most of the people you once knew, but thats okay. All you need is Egbert. This is so cheesy you can't believe you aren't facepalming or something.

You keep looking at this adorable lad, then you realize you're staring and there are probably people stalking you through the cameras. You decide its best not to wake him, he probably deserves a good rest. You then kiss the side of his head and let your eyes slowly close for another trip to the world of horrorterrors and darkness.

JohnkatWhere stories live. Discover now