Both Awaken

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==>Sleeping troll: Be waking human.

You are now the waking human. You slowly open your eyes releasing a soft groan. You don't open them fully though. You notice you are still with your friend, and possibly crush, Karkat Vantas. You slowly look at him, he seems more relaxed and peaceful than he did before you fell asleep, could he have awoken while you were asleep? No, he would have woken you up too, right? You really have no idea.

"karkat," you whisper in a tired fashion. He responds with a slight nuzzle. God why is he so adorable? You have no idea, thus you cannot answer your question. "karkat. wake up," you whisper into his slightly pointed ear. This time he doesn't respond, so of course, being the cleaver derp you are, you kiss him. Of course he wakes up 'cause who wouldn't wake up if they suddenly felt lips on their own. You quickly pull away once you know he's awake. "karkat, its nice to see you're finally awake. how are y-" you are cut off by his question, "WHY DID YOU STAY?..." You stare at him kind of shocked by the question. "i was worried... and you're like... my best friend... ya know?"

"OH..." He looks away almost... hurt? You don't know, you are bad at reading expressions. For all you know he could be extremely happy... or a dog.

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