House Shopping

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*The Same Day/5pm*
Hanna- I can't believe we're buying a house, together.
Caleb- I know, I love you so much.
Hanna- I love you too.

Hanna-Mom are you ready.
Ashley- Almost.
Hanna- Okay, we'll wait outside.
Caleb- This is actually awesome
Hanna- What is?
Caleb- Us being home, with our beautiful girls.
Hanna- I knew what it was, I just want to hear you say it.
*After Dinner*
Hanna's POV-
We dropped my mom home then went back to Caleb's apartment it was kinda small, but it'll do until we can move into our new home in a month or two. Caleb had a double bed and a double air mattress we let the girls have Caleb's room and we slept on the air mattress in the living room.

We need to start furniture shopping for the new house soon, we need new everything, caleb and I are going to sell everything from his apartment and my house to help with the new stuff. We're now designing the girls rooms, Sophia wants a blue and pink
themed room and Olivia wants pink, blue and cream themed, I've got a Pinterest board ready for Olivia and now I'm working on Sophia's. I finally finished my board for Sophia's room.

Hanna- I've done for the girls rooms.
Caleb- I've done for the garden and kitchen.
Hanna- What colour for our room.
Caleb- What about black & white or Grey.
Hanna- Grey.
Caleb- Well can we do it tomorrow we still have ages, I just want to cuddle and watch a movie just like old times.
Hanna- Yeah okay.
Caleb- What snacks.
Hanna- Nothing thanks.
Caleb- Okay Hanna you bearly ate yesterday and I let the slide because I knew you were nervous, but you haven't eaten today except that little bit of salad.
Hanna- I ate the other day when you took me and the girls out.
Caleb- And that was hardly anything.
Hanna- I can't help it if I'm not hungry.
Caleb- How can you not be hungry eating just a little salad in 24 hours.
Hanna- Because I'm not now just let it go.
Caleb- Han I'm not just gonna let it go I love you and I don't want you starving you self again.
Hanna- I'm not, I promise it's just I don't know what to do about my dad.
Caleb- If you tell him, nothing's going to change he'll still love you.
Hanna- but he'll say I'm a disappointment and that Kate would never do anything that stupid.
Caleb- Hanna you're not a disappointment and neither are Sophia and Olivia, who cares what your dad thinks. And if he says that Kate would never do that, then clearly he doesn't know Kate at all, do you remember when that video went around of her and Liam Carter.
Hanna- I am and I care he's my dad how am I suppose to not care, I know the girls aren't a disappointment but my dad will say we are. Yeah I remember the video.
Caleb- Hanna your dad wasn't there for you even before you left so why does it make a difference now, you have me, your mom, our babies, the girls, Toby and Ezra.
Hanna- I know but I still care what he thinks. I always have I just never used to show it, but I'm not as strong as I was back then.
Caleb- Hanna are you serious, your so much stronger than you've ever been, you raised two beautiful, polite and caring daughters alone for four  years.
Hanna- I'm not though.
Caleb- Hanna Stop putting yourself down.
Hanna- I'm going to bed night.
Caleb- Hanna, I'll drop it just stay up with me.
Hanna- Okay, but if you bring it up again then I'm going to sleep in your bed with the girls.
Caleb- I won't I promise.
Hanna- Good.
Caleb- What we watching then?
Hanna- I dunno what you got.
Caleb- Nothing you'd like so we'll have to watch something on Netflix.
Hanna- Okay but what.
Caleb- let's look.
Hanna- what about pitch perfect?
Caleb- Yeah sure.
*2 Hours later*
Caleb- So what now, another movie or should we go to bed?
Hanna- It's only nine o'clock
Caleb- I know it's just it's been a long day, I didn't know if you were tired.
Hanna- I'm not you can go to sleep if you are though.
Caleb- No I'm not, what do you want to watch.
Hanna- You put something on I'm gonna do some shopping online.
Caleb- Okay well I'll help.
Hanna- Well let's look for our room.
Caleb- What about something like this.
Hanna- Yeah I love that, but we could have a darker grey.
Caleb- Yeah that's what I was thinking.
Hanna- What colour for the living room?
Caleb- I think it should be like cream or something.
Hanna- Okay I'll look for some ideas now.
Caleb- Me too.

Hanna- I found one, that looks nice but we wouldn't choose that colour sofas.
Caleb- I love That. So what room now.
Hanna- The spare bedrooms?
Caleb- We should just leave them basic for now.
Hanna- okay then what about the dining room.
Caleb- What colour?
Hanna- Well it should be a light colour.
Caleb- Okay.
*1 hour later*
Hanna- I've done now.
Caleb- Me too.
Hanna- I'm going to go to sleep in tired now.
Caleb- Okay I will as well.
Hanna- I love you, Goodnight.
Caleb- I love you too, goodnight.

Thank you for reading, sorry this is just a short filler chapter. In the next chapter I'm going to skip a few months, to where Hanna and Caleb live in their new house.
If I were to make one of the liars pregnant who would you want it to be, Alison, Emily, Spencer, Aria or Hanna again?
Also need ideas on wether they should have one, twins or more and need a gender(s) and names comment below, Thanks.
Let me know what you think, Vote and comment please.- Shenay💋

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