Oh My Gosh, Yes!

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Caleb's POV-
So today is the day that I'm going to ask Hanna to marry me, I hope she says yes, I've told all of the girls so they're going to be there well hiding to take photos. Ashley is looking after the girls so once I ask Hanna we can go out for a meal. I'm so nervous, what if she doesn't want to marry me. What if I ruin everything and loose contact with my beautiful three girls and my baby. It's 4 o'clock now and I need to be there at 5 to 6 o'clock, so I quickly shower and get changed, I get the ring and group text the others-
Caleb💻    Spencer📚   Toby🔧  Emily🏊🏼‍♀️    Alison👠      Ezra💼

^Start of Texts^
💻 Hey guys are you all ready for this evening?
📚Hey yeah we're all together and we're ready, Hanna's still with her mom.
👠I told her to come here at 6pm.
💻So I should get there early about half past five.
💋I've got my camera's ready.
🏊🏼‍♀️Does Ashley know that your doing this?
💻Yeah that's how I persuaded her to have the girls.
🔧Don't forget the ring Caleb.
💻I won't don't worry, right I'm gonna start driving now, talk later.
🔧- See ya.
*End Of Texts*

^A Hour Later^

I go up to the beach and wait for hanna to get here. I wait for about ten minutes and then I see Hanna's car pull up, now I'm even more nervous. I walk up to Hanna and kiss her passionately, we walk down the beach while talking.
Caleb Hanna
Hello gorgeous.
Hey babe, so why did you want to meet me down here?
For this.....
Hanna Marin since the day that I met you, I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and then when you disappeared my heart broke in two and I thought that I would never find love again but when you rang me and asked me to meet you, I knew that there was finally hope for me, for us. The moment you opened you front door I fell straight back in love with you and when you told me that we had two gorgeous daughters I fell even more in love with you. I can guarantee there will be tough times, I guarantee that at some point you or I will feel low, but I can also guarantee that I will aways be here for you no matter how hard times get, I love you, I always have and always will. So will you Hanna Marin be my wife?
Oh my gosh Caleb, yes yes yes.

'Congratulations guys' Aria Says taking a few photos of us.
'How long have you been here Ar?' Hanna Asks Aria.
'Since before you even came, we set this up so we could get photos' Aria says.
'We? Who else is here?' Hanna questions.
'Ezra, Ali, Em, Toby and Spencer' Aria Replies.
'Where are they?' Hanna Asks.
'Up there' Aria says pointing to the others hiding.
'Hey Guys' Hanna says.
'Hey Han' they all say.
'Congrats man' Toby says.
'Thank Tobs' Caleb replies.
'Yeah Congrats' Ezra says.
'Cheers Z' Caleb says

Hanna's POV-
I can't believe that Caleb proposed, I love him so much. Him, our girls and our baby.

Caleb's POV-
She said yes, Hanna actually said yes. This is official, Hanna and I are getting married. Finally after so long of having a shit life, I found a girl and I knew that she was the perfect girl, I lost her for three years but now I have her back and I couldn't be happier. After I proposed everyone congratulated us and then Hanna and I went to monsoon, we had a nice meal and now we're on our way home for a romantic movie night. I can't wait for Hanna to finally be Hanna Rivers.

Hey Han do you think that we'll have a boy or a girl?

I don't know, what do you think? I'd love a little man but i don't really care if we had another princess.

I think that we're going to have another girl, I don't know why but I have a feeling, I'd love a boy but I think we're definitely having a girl.

What if we have twins again?

Then we're having another two girls.

I'd love a set of boy and girl twins.

Me too.

I really want a boy now I'm thinking about it, a little you would just be so cute. I mean we already have another you cause you and Sophia are so alike.

Yeah I do want a boy but I don't really mind because we get another baby, I know and Olivia is just like you, I couldn't love any of you more than I already do.

You really think that Olivia's like me?

Yeah, she's three and already better in fashion than most fifthteen year olds and she's just as stunning as you just like Sophia is and she's got your laugh, your smile, your everything.

Our girls are just perfect and so are you, I love you millions Caleb.

Sorry that this is such a short chapter considering that they're usually 1500-2000 words long and this one is only 903 long but this was just a filler chapter. Let me know what you think, please comment and vote. I hope you enjoyed reading this. -Shenay 💋

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