Coco Pops And Pickles

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^2 and a half months later^
Hanna is 28 weeks pregnant(Seven months)

Hanna's POV-
Spencer is already nine months pregnant, I can't wait to find out i wether we're having a niece or nephew, I can't wait to meet him or her.
I can't believe that my pregnancy is almost over, I can't wait to meet Grayson but I'll miss being pregnant, I mean I hate the back pain and my swollen feet but I love feeling him kick. Today Caleb is decorating Grayson's nursery with the help of Toby and Ezra of course, while the girls and I are sorting through all of Sophia and Olivia's clothes and toys. Tomorrow is our baby shower, I never had one for the girls so I'm actually pretty nervous about it, I'm looking forward to the cake the most.

Aria- Keep?
Hanna- Yeah
Spencer- Hanna what's up you seem distracted?
Hanna- I really want a coco pops and pickles.
Alison- Together?
Hanna- Yeah why?
Alison- Hanna that's so gross.
Hanna- No it's not.
Emily- It really is.
Hanna- No it isn't.
Aria- Spencer isn't it disgusting?
Spencer- Yesh it is.
Hanna- Just wait until your all pregnant you'll soon understand.
Spencer- Can you shut up about us all having kids.
Hanna- I just want some nieces and or nephews.
Aria- Well I was talking to Ezra about it the other day.
Hanna- And what did he say.
Aria- We're thinking about it.
Hanna- This is so exciting. So em, Ali when are Emison having a baby.
Alison- Emison really.
Hanna- What's wrong with it.
Alison- Nothing.
Hanna- Well when are you guys having a baby?
Emily- we don't know because we need to work everything out first don't we Ali.
Alison- Yeah we need to sort a father out and then we need to decide who will carry the baby and all this other stuff so it'll be a while yet.
Hanna- But you actually are thinking about it.
Emily- Obviously.
Hanna- So Spencer....
Spencer- Hanna shut up.
Hanna- But why.
Spencer- Because Toby and I haven't even decided if we want kids or not yet.
Hanna- He said to you the other week that he wanted to talk to you about it.
Spencer- Well we haven't.
Hanna- Okay, well I haven't had my pickle so I'm gonna make that now.

^Two Hours Later^
I finally finish sorting through Sophia and Olivia's clothes with the girls, then we make the guys some lunch and cups of coffee before starting on mine and Caleb's clothes.

Hanna- I want another bowl of coco pops, I'll be right back.
Emily- Hanna you've already had three bowls.
Hanna- I'm hungry.
Emily- Okay then.
Aria,Alison,Emily and Spencer laugh.
Hanna- Don't laugh, I'm sorry but Grayson is hungry and then because he's hungry, i get hungry.

The Next Day.
Hanna's POV-
So today is the day of the baby shower, I woke up early had a shower, did my make up and then got the girls outfits ready and then Caleb woke them. I'm actually super nervous I've never been to a baby shower before so I don't know what I'm meant to do, I know that we play games like pin the pacifier on the baby and design a sleep suit, but I don't know what else you do at a baby shower.
^4 Hours Later^
We have half an hour before we have to leave, I put the girls in their play room then quickly clean up the living room and wipe the oven and surfaces down. We get in the car and drive to Spencer's house well barn, when we go inside everyone else is already there and as soon as we walk in everyone congratulates us. At first we just eat and dance and then my mom makes us play some games, and then caleb and I cut a cake revealing the gender to all our friends who weren't close, Caleb and I only told Ali, Em, Aria, Spence, Toby, Ez, my mom, Ted, Hope and his mom and dad. My mom made Caleb a Daddy diaper duty kit, she said that she saw it online and thought that it was funny so she made him one, it's good knowing that this time it will be easier because it's only One baby and because I'll have Caleb to share the feeds and changes with, I mean she I loved the girls being tiny babies but it was hard work because I lived in a tiny one bedroom apartment and if Olivia woke up crying she would wake Sophia up so it would be like half past three in the morning and I had two screaming babies needing a warm bottle and a diaper change it was just never ending, I mean I wouldn't change them for the world but if I could change anything it would be that I would have told Caleb when I found out not just skipped town before even trying to speak to him, or my mom because I know that she would have helped me, she would have been disappointed but she still would have helped. Then again that's all in the past and we can't change any of that. After a another hour or so we went home and put everything that we got today in Grayson's room, we got literally got 'showered' with gifts, Grayson is one lucky little man being born into this family and having parents with amazing friends and two amazing grandmothers and a amazing step grandfather. I can't believe that this is actually happening my life is perfect.

Thank you for reading, sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes I didn't have time to go through and check it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, let me know what you thought by voting and commenting. What should the next chapter be about more of the pregnancy or the birth? Please let me know. -Shenay 💋

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