It's A.......

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^6 Weeks Later^
Hanna's POV-
So tomorrow is our 18 week scan and we're going to find out if we're having a boy or a girl, then caleb, Sophia and Olivia and I are going shopping for everything we need.

Hanna- Come on girls, bath time.
Sophia- I want daddy to wash my hair.
Olivia- Mommy can you wash mine please.
Caleb- Okay I'll wash yours Soph.
Hanna- Of course I will livvi.
Sophia- Can we go to the park tomowow.
Caleb- Sophia baby it's tomorrow and maybe but remember we're going to see your baby brother or sister.
Sophia- Oh yeah.
Olivia- I want a sister.
Sophia- I do too.

*30 Minutes Later*
After Caleb and I finish giving the girls a bath, I dry their hair and French plait it, while Caleb orders pizza, we watch Wreck-it-Ralph while waiting for the pizza to be delivered, when it get delivered we eat it then, take the girls upstairs to brush their teeth then read them the wind in the willows and then go back downstairs.

When we're downstairs we clean up and then sit and watch strange addictions, I fall asleep on Caleb's chest, when the episode is over Caleb wakes me up and we go up to bed. I can't wait for tomorrow. I remember when I found out I was having the twins I was so scared because I was worried about being able to look after one baby let alone two, I was going to have them adopted because I wanted them to have the best start but I then I couldn't do that they're my babies and by the time of me finding out the sex of my babies I was so excited and couldn't wait to meet them, when they said they were girls I cried. I knew that I needed help but I wasn't going to ask for it the first few months were hard but I got though it my room mate Kara helped me a little bit but when she moved out I thought I couldn't do it but I started designing clothes and then when they started getting made I knew I could do it and I did.

Hanna, are you awake?

Yeah caleb why?

I love you, the girls and bump more than anything you know that right.

Yeah of course I know that and I love you too.

Good, I just wanted you too know.

I already knew Caleb.

I honestly can't imagine my life without you or our amazing babies.

Neither could I, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be who I am today, you gave me confidence when I felt so low, you told me I was beautiful when I needed it, you helped me be me, you have given me the most gorgeous, caring and smart children ever and your the best fiancé I could ever ask for.

You did that yourself Hanna because your strong. I love you Hanna. Goodnight.

I love you too Caleb, goodnight.

^ The Next Morning^

Caleb wake up.

I'm up Han.

We need to get ready.

Hanna your appointment isn't until 11.

Yeah I know but it's 6 o'clock.

We have five hours Han, let's just go and make breakfast.


I'll just get the girls.

Okay, I'll go start the pancake mix.

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