First Scan

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^Two Weeks Later^
Hanna's POV-
Caleb and I have a ultrasound today, we're finally going to see our little bean or beans. I'm already 11 weeks pregnant, they need to confirm and date the pregnancy during this scan. We have two hours until the appointment, so we're taking Sophia and Olivia to the park and then to Spencer's while we go for the ultrasound, she doesn't know what appointment we have because we haven't told anyone yet not even my mom. We plan on telling everyone after our scan, my mom first then the girls, Toby and Ezra and then Caleb's mom. I've already started to show, but it's not loads so no ones asked or anything. To think that in just over 6 months, I'll be back to sleep less nights, nappy changes, and night feeds but it is all worth it and I would change it for the world.

^A hour and a half later^

We drop the girls off with Spencer and Toby then we quickly stop at the gas station, then we head straight to the clinic. We sign in and fill out some forms, I hand the forms to the receptionist and sit back down, Caleb and I sit in silence until a nurse comes out.

'Hanna Marin?' She question
Caleb and I stand up and walk towards her.

'Right this way' she says
'Hi I'm Nurse Clark and I'm going to be doing your scan for you today. Is this dad?' She asks looking at Caleb
'Hello, erm yeah he's my fiancé Caleb' I reply.
Well Hanna can you lay down on the bed please and pull you shirt up to your bra line and unbutton your jeans please.  She says
I did that and she went to get some gel.
Okay this is going to be cold, but you know that from your previous pregnancy right? She questions.
Yeah I do. I reply.

She puts the gel on my stomach and then she turns on the monitor, and then all I hear is lub dub, luv dub and i look at Caleb and there is tears in his eyes.

And there your baby. The nurse says pointing to our baby on the screen.

That's our baby Han. Caleb says
I know. I reply

*After The Scan*
Caleb and I sit in the car after the scan and just sit staring at the photo.

Caleb- Wow this is honestly amazing.
Hanna- I know, I can't believe this our life is perfect.
Caleb- I know Han, and only 6 weeks until we find out if we're having a prince or another princess.
Hanna- I know and I can't wait.
Caleb- Me either.
Hanna- And only just over 6 months until we meet him or her.
Caleb- That sounds like forever.
Hanna- I know but it's not but we only have to wait until May 6th it's not actually that long and with Christmas in between that and then the girls birthdays, it will fly bye.
Caleb- Yeah, and it'll definitely be worth the wait.
Hanna- It sure will.
Caleb- Well we best get over to Spencer's.
Hanna- Yeah I'll text the girls and tell them to be at Spencer's in 10.

I text the girls. We drive to Spencer's house. I knock on the door and wait for her to answer, she opens the door and lets us in, the other girls were already there.

Hanna- So where are Sophi and Livvi at?
Spencer- They're out in the yard with Toby.
Caleb- I'll go out side with them.

Spencer- So what do you want to speak about Han?
Hanna- Well i have something to tell you all.
Aria- You do know that we know that your engaged right.
Hanna- Yes of course I do, we have something different to tell you.
Emily- Are you alright Han?
Alison- Yeah Han you okay?
Hanna- I'm so good. Because I'm Pregnant.
Spencer- Yay we're pregnant at the same time.
Alison- Oh My Gosh congrats Han.
Aria- Congratulations.
Emily- Congrats, how far along are you?
Hanna- Thanks guys and 11 weeks.
Alison- Do you want another girl or a boy this time?
Hanna- I really want a boy, Caleb doesn't mind, I don't mind either but I do want a boy.
Spencer- If you do have a girl, then the next baby might be a boy.
Hanna- Calm down Spence, we think three will be enough, but Aria, Em or Ali can have a baby next.
Aria- Not me.
Emily- We can just baby sit your three can't we Ali?
Alison- Yep.
Hanna- What about you Spence?
Spencer- Toby and I want two but not another just yet.
Hanna- Well the girls need some more cousins so hurry up.
We all laugh// Caleb and Toby walk in with the girls.
Toby- Congratulations Hanna.
Hanna- Thank you, ezra and Aria are next.
Aria- We're not.
Hanna- You will be.
Aria- We won't okay.
Caleb- Well Han we have to go and tell your mom.
Hanna- Yeah, well I'll see you all later.
We leave, I put Olivia in the car and Caleb puts Sophia in, we get in and start to drive to my moms house,

Hanna- I wonder if Ted and Hope there to.
Caleb- Yeah they probably are.

We arrive at my moms house, quickly in buckle Sophia and Olivia then walk into my moms house.

Hanna- Hey mom, you home.
Ashley- I'm in the kitchen Hanna.
Hanna- Hey mom.
Caleb- Hi Ashley.
Ashley- Hey guys, you okay.
Hanna- We're good thank you.
Caleb- I'm going to take Soph and Liv into the yard.
Hanna- Okay.
Ashley- Hanna are you sure that your okay?
Hanna- Yeah honestly mom I'm good, I just wanted to tell you something.
Ashley- What is it?
Hanna- I'm pregnant.
Ashley- Congratulations Hanna.
Hanna- Thank you mom.
Ashley- How far along are you?
Hanna- 11 weeks.
Ashley- I was wondering why you've been wearing loads of hoodies instead of your usual Hanna clothes, I mean your not even going to be showing yet.
Hanna- Yeah it's because I didn't want to say anything until after we had a scan done.
Ashley- When was that?
Hanna- This Afternoon.
Ashley- It's not twins again is it?
Hanna- No just one this time.
I want a boy this time.
Ashley- Yeah I need a grandson, what does Caleb want?
Hanna- He doesn't mind but he said he'd like a boy, we obviously wouldn't be disappointed or anything but we definitely do want a boy.
Ashley- That's how me and your dad felt when I was having you.
Hanna- Did you want a girl or a boy?
Ashley- A girl but your dad wanted a boy.
Hanna- So that's why he hates me.
Ashley- Hanna he doesn't hate you.
Hanna- He really does.
Ashley- No he doesn't.
Hanna- Where's Ted and Hope?
Ashley- Teds at the church but he'll be back soon and hope is with Liam.
Hanna- How long do you think ted will be because I haven't seen him in a while but I need to go home soon the girls need to be in bed.
Ashley- He won't be back for like a hour, but you can see him tomorrow or something.
Hanna- Yeah, I'll come round after work tomorrow.
Ashley- Okay, well I love you goodbye.
Hanna- Goodbye

Hanna- Caleb, we need to get going.
Caleb- Come on girls.

We left and went back home, we gave the girls a bath and made them their dinner and sat down and watched Rapunzel, both of the girls fell asleep almost straight away. Caleb and I carried them up to bed, then we went downstairs and watched television before going to bed.

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it, I'll be updating every Tuesday. Please Vote and Comment- Shenay💋

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