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Two days later-
Ella-Rose went home yesterday and she is so tiny, almost as small as the girls were when they were born. I'm due Tomorrow and I really don't think that Gray will be born then.

I have to take the girls to my mom's house just in case I do go into labour now then we don't this have to get someone over to look after them and we can just go straight to the hospital.

I really can't wait to meet my gorgeous little man I know that he'll look just like Caleb he'll have his big brown eyes.

I'm so nervous now knowing that I could go into labour right this second, I don't think that giving birth will be as bad this time because obviously I've had the girls and it's only one baby this time.

Caleb and I get the girls ready and then get in the car and take them to my moms, I really hope that Gray comes soon because then I don't have to be away from the girls for ages.

After we drop the girls off at my moms with ted and hope because my mom is out shopping, we stop by Spencer and Toby's too see how they're all doing.
We walk into their apartment and Spencer is asleep with Ella-Rose on her chest it's honestly such a sweet moment, I take a photo knowing Spencer will want to see it.

Toby, Caleb and I all go into the kitchen so we're not too loud and don't wake up Spencer or Ella. We're talking for around 10 minutes when we hear Ella cry Toby runs into the living room and takes her from Spencer so that she can go back to sleep he comes into the kitchen cradling her.

T- Hey Han can you hold Ella well I make her bottle?
H- Yeah of course.
T- Thanks.

I cradle Ella in my arms this is such an amazing feeling, I wish that Grayson was here so I could cradle him all day.

I had Ella back to Toby and we all start talking again, when all of a sudden I get a sharp pain it sort of feels like a contraction but not as bad as I remember.

C- Hanna are you okay?
H- Yeah
C- Are you sure?
H- Yeah it's not contractions don't worry.
T- Spencer got pains like that before she got the contractions, maybe Grayson wants to make his appearance.
H- Hopefully.
C- We should go home just in case we do need to go to the hospital so I can grab the bag.
T- I'll see you guys later good luck Hanna.
H- Thank you.

Caleb helps me into the car and we drive home to get the hospital bag. I sat down then Caleb got me a glass of water and we sit down, as I go to take a sip I get a sharp pain in my abdomen I drop my glass. Caleb looks at me and comes over to comfort me.

C- Was that a contraction?
H- Yeah.
C- Let's go to the hospital then.
H- We can go until the contractions are 4-5 minutes apart and are strong.
C- Oh, how long will that be?
H- I don't know, it could be hours.
C- Oh I just want gray to be here already.
H- I know me too.

25 minutes later I get another contraction.

C- How long do you think it'll be until they're 5 minutes apart?
H- To be honest babe I don't know because when I had the girls it happened quite quickly but then it's different everytime.
C- Oh.
H- Yeah.

2 hours later on the way to the hospital, the midwife has been called and my contractions are 4 minutes apart. Meaning Grayson will be here soon. We arrive at the hospital, I get rushed to the birthing room.

Thanks for reading this chapter, the next one will be when Grayson is born. Please comment some ideas, because I'm getting really bad writer's block.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2018 ⏰

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