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*4 Months Later*
Hanna's POV-
So Caleb, the girls and I moved into our new home a month and and a half ago, and we love it the yard is huge and Caleb is building the girls a tree house. I love that we moved back, now we see my mom and the girls all the time. Sophia and Olivia start Kinder garden in two months, I can't believe my babies are so grown up it's feel like just yesterday I was giving birth and holding two beautiful tiny babies.
We went to visit Caleb's mom last week and she loves the girls, Caleb can't get hold of his dad so he can meet them. My dad knows about me being back home and about the girls but he always makes excuses when we ask for him to meet them. Oh yeah and Spencer's pregnant she's 3 and a half months, her and Toby are really excited to be parents, they're finally moving into their own house soon.
Aria and Ezra are engaged and Alison and Emily are together now, finally it's only taken Alison four years to admit that she loves emily.

Hanna- Caleb, can you take the girls to my moms.
Caleb- Yeah sure, I'll be back in ten.
Hanna- Okay.
Hanna's POV-
I sat on the toilet see with tears running down my face, I can't believe I'm pregnant again and I don't know how to tell Caleb, I know that he said he wanted more children but I know he doesn't mean now. I told him to take the girls to my moms so that I can tell him without Little ears around.

*20 Minutes Later*
Caleb- What's up babe?
Hanna- I'm sorry.
Caleb- Sorry for what?
Hanna- This,
Hanna Passes Caleb The Test.
Caleb- Why are you sorry?

Hanna- Because we didn't plan this.

Caleb- We didn't plan Sophia and Olivia either and they're perfect, and this time I'm going to be here for you every step of the way.

Hanna- I know but are we even ready for another baby? Or babies what if we have twins again or even triplets.

Caleb- Hanna if we have twins again or even triplets we can make this work okay? I mean it's not the best timing but we can do this together, I'm going to be there to hold your hair back during the morning sickness, I'll be here to go out at 3 am to get you the weird stuff you're craving and when you need to crush my hand during labour.

Hanna- So you promise you won't leave?

Caleb- Hanna, I promise I'm never going to leave. You, Sophia and Olivia are my whole world and us having another baby isn't going to change that. In fact I think it will just make my love for you stronger.

Hanna- So you really think we can do this?

Caleb- I don't think it, I know it, Hanna Marin no matter how hard this gets I'm going to be here during all the sleepless night, night time feeds and the diaper changes, just everything I mean I missed out with the girls and I'm not letting that happen again.

Hanna- Oh caleb, I love you so much and I'm so sorry that I never told you that we had two gorgeous, perfect and caring daughters until now.

Caleb- It's okay I understand that you were scared and that you felt like I wouldn't love you anymore and that I would leave, but Hanna I never stopped loving you and the day that my phone rang and it say 'Hanna🌎' I swear that my heart stopped because I thought that you were gone forever and when you said that you wanted me to come to New York so you could explain I think that I could have left my apartment any faster, then the second you opened that door I knew that I never stopped loving you.

Hanna- I never stopped loving you either Caleb and I am so glad that I finally told you about the girls and now we're back together and it feels like we were never apart.

Caleb- I know and Hanna I love you, our Girls and our little one or little ones more than I ever thought that I could ever love anyone.

Hanna- So your positive that you think we can do this?

Caleb- Of course I am.

*A Week Later*

Caleb- So you think she'll actually say yes.

Spencer- Caleb stop worrying, Hanna loves you so much of course she'll say yes.

Caleb- I'm just worried she'll think it's too soon we've only been back together for 5 months.

Spencer- Caleb, Hanna loves you and she'll say yes so stop worrying and choose a ring.

Caleb- What about this one?

Spencer- That one is gorgeous Caleb.

Caleb- Thanks for helping me pick this Spence, I just know you have the best advise and if you thought that it was too soon then it most likely is.

Spencer- Thanks, well I think it's perfect timing.

Shoutout to briannalexi23, go read her story 'The Other Side' it's amazing.
Sorry that this chapter is short, I've not had much time to write.
Should Spoby have a son or daughter and name ideas please.
Do you think Hanna will say yes? and should Haleb have just one baby, twins, triplets or even quadruplets?
Feel free to private message me the answer or comment!
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Thanks for reading- Shenay ❤️

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