Chapter 3

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The hospital was organizing a fundraiser for the renovation of the Pediatric Oncology and the General Palliative Care wards. One of the directors had this idea to hold an auction where anyone interested to help could participate. Anything could be auctioned off from objects, gift certificates, airplane tickets, even favors would be accepted. Another director even suggested why not auction dates? Everyone nodded enthusiastically in agreement at the suggestion.

But they went one step further and required senior residents from the different departments to either auction dates with themselves or volunteer someone to stand in for them. The residents grumbled at their bosses' ultimatum but consented grudgingly knowing that they couldn't get away with it no matter how they protest.

Most of them were in a bind. Dara for one was. She looked at herself and shook her head in despair. Who in his right mind would bid for a date with her? She was not looking forward to embarrassing herself in front of everybody. And besides she didn't want to go on a date. Dating is for dummies. She had way better things to do than spend at least an hour listening to small talk.

She had a light bulb moment at the ER when the nurses were gossiping at the station. It was 2am in the morning and they were finally able to have some rest after 8 hours of non-stop patient traffic. 

They were finally able to settle down after dealing with all the screaming babies accompanied by their frantic mothers, anxious families coming in with their unconscious elderly parents and not to mention the rudely incoherent drunken motorcyclists. They enjoyed the temporary reprieve by sharing a cup of hot coffee as morning was still a long way off.

The topic veered off to the approaching auction. The nurses were curious and asked her about it. "So, Doc Dara, you're auctioning yourself next month?"

"Ugh." She groaned. "Don't remind me. I'm trying to forget I ever got the memo."

"If you're not auctioning yourself could you do us a favor and bring your friend to take your place instead?" One of the girls suggested with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Oh my. Yes, Doc. I'd be willing to give up my month's salary for a date with him." Another one of the girls gushed.

Not to be outdone, another girl declared, "Just a month's salary? I'd give up a year's salary for a chance to have an hour alone with him. I won't even care if I live only on salt and steamed rice after that." She swooned dramtically on her seat.

Dara's troubled face brightened up at the girls' words. She clapped her hands gleefully. "Thank you, girls, for the brilliant idea. As a reward, breakfast later is on me." The nurses cheered at her words.

Later that day, she came home with takeout bags full of GD's favorite food. GD confirmed through text that he was eating dinner at home with her. She told him not to bother with the food because she got it covered.

She found him sprawled on the sofa watching TV. "Hey. You're home already."

He looked up and smile. "Tiring day at the office. How about you?"

She smiled. "Just the usual. Same old stuff."

He got up and helped her with the takeout. He peeked at the food and whistled. "Hmm. They're all my favorites." He raised an eyebrow suspiciously at her. "You want something from me." It was not a question. He knew his friend well.

She smiled sheepishly at him. "You caught me. Let's eat first. I'll fatten you up before I move in for the kill."

He briefly placed her in a headlock but had to let go when she started tickling his sides. They set up the food and ate while laughingly talking about their respective day at work.

"Ok. Spill. What do you want?" He asked her as they were sitting side by side on the sofa, sipping their after dinner tea.

She gave him her best puppy dog look. "Will you let me auction you off during the hospital's fundraising event? Please, GD. Pretty please?" She batted her eyelashes at him.

"Why should I?"

"Because you love me and you won't want me to be embarrassed in front of everyone? Please? All you need to do is show up for the night and then have a date with whoever wins on the bidding. I'll even foot the bill for the date. Please. If you won't agree then I'd be forced to auction myself. Imagine me on a date. Que horror. Please." She implored at him.

"If I do agree what's in it for me?" He asked.

"Uhm. You'd become the bestest best friend in the world?" She told him.

He flicked his finger at his forehead. "Do you think I'm what? Five? I won't be easily taken in by your cuteness."

She pouted at him but finally conceded. "Okay. I'll give you three wishes. Within the bounds of reason, of course. As long as it doesn't interfere with my work. Nothing illegal. Nothing involving me and reptiles or creepy crawlies. Nothing requiring me eating exotic or crappy organic food. Eck." She ended with a disgusted look on her face, remembering the gross taste of his date's spread.

"Okay. Just because I pity the guy who'd have to go on a date with you. But let me get this straight. I get three wishes. But it's up for me to decide what to ask. You can suggest but it's not counted if I don't agree. I know you. You always cheat. I might ask you something ordinary like handing me a towel or something and you'd tell me later that I've used up a wish." He told her.

She shouted, "Yes! You're my hero!" She gave him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. She then jumped up and scurried up to her room. Moments later, she reaappeared with a piece of paper and pen. She sat down and started writing. 

He took a peek over her shoulder and laughed. It was a contract. She signed her name with a flourish, then handed him the pen and gestured for him to sign. He laughingly took the pen and signed his name beside hers.

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