chapter seven

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Chapter 7 😷 💊💊

By now Heather's mom had noticed she was "up to something." She had been vomiting that morning. She had been having mood swings. "Heather" wasn't there. Not to mention her non stop eating. She even missed her period which was due the day before. She had been in her room depressed for the past two days and her mother had secretly suspected she was pregnant. Without even telling her why, Heather's mother decided to take her to the clinic. If she was pregnant, she couldn't let her mother know,she had to do something, and fast. she told alano what has been happening with her and he decided he he knew what to do. She met him at the clinic the following day, dropped two tiny pills in her hand and kissed her goodbye. He couldn't stay, Heather's mom was around. She ran to the bathroom, swallowed the pills and wet her face with some water. Looking in the mirror, she sighed,
"I think I just threw away our first child, but its for the best."
Later that day her mom had made her pass urine, guess she was doing a pregnancy test. But Heather was free! But she had pledged never to have sex again. The emergency contraceptive she had took had made her nauseous and gave her a massive headache. Not to mention the throbbing pain in her abdomen. Maybe I'm just not used to this pill yet after all its the first time I've had one! I'm just new to this. Heather told herself. After a long good nights rest she had been feeling better and her period finally came! Both she and her boyfriend were releived and he promised to always use a condom whenever they had sex. He laughed at her response about her pledge to abstain. They both knew she would break it soon!

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