What demons do for love~ (SESSYASHA!)

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Third POV:

Mates. What do you think mates are? Mates are a couple, a life, a sight of love. For demons this is really important because if one of the mates dies.... Or simply walk away, the other will die. This was the case of Sesshomaru. A beautiful golden eyes yokai demon. For the first time Sesshomaru felt in love with Inuyasha. A cute amber eyes half bread.

Sesshomaru would always walk around with Jaken and Rin. But always looked unhappy with what he was doing.

After a heat season, sesshomaru mate Inuyasha. Of course the taller demon was pretty happy being able to be with his little brother and now mate. What he didn't know is what Inuyasha think of him.

Sesshomaru saw Inuyasha with love eyes and of course he threat him better than anyone but Inuyasha wasn't pleased with this, and Sesshomaru didn't knew it.

It was already night and the two demons where kissing on their bed. The taller one took the others clothing leaving him naked. He start kissing down and as usual the made love to each other.

Soon it became morning. Sesshomaru woke up and quickly notice that Inuyasha was end there with him. He got up and put his cloths on. He walked out of his room and searched for him. He wasn't around at all. The taller demon send some people to look for him but they never found him.

The only explanation for this is that he had escaped.

Sesshomaru already pretty missed him and his matting mark was hurting like hell. He was becoming pale and weaker.

Do you understand why?

He was dying. His matting mark was killing him... No, Inuyasha was killing him.

All over again Sesshomaru wasn't happy. He was alone.

'I miss you...' That would him the only thought of him for all the days.

-after some years-

Inuyasha was married to a beautiful girl named Kagome. Had tree child's and they lived happy. But of course when everything is good there must be something bad. Inuyasha started thinking about Sesshomaru. So one day he decide to go visit him for the first time after all this years.

He didn't know what he was doing.

When he arrives there, he knocked on the door. A pretty similar women opens the door and glares at Inuyasha quickly.

"U-um may I see Sesshomaru?" Inuyasha asked with a nervous tone.

"No... Get away from us!!" She said as her eyes because watery.

"H-huh?" Inuyasha was confused but not for long.

"You.... You don't know what you did? here's Sesshomaru!" She cried taking his hand and pulling him to a grave.

"Here's my son, that was your mate, your brother! That you killed!" She yelled crying.

Inuyasha eyes widen at the sight of the grave in front of himself. He was shocked and soon enough started crying.

"I-I'm sorry Sesshomaru!!" He started crying.

"He died moths after you left. He found you but ,eft you because now you where happy... he died in a loneliness you could had cured. But no, you just left him to die! So if you excuse me get the fuck out of here!" She yelled while crying.

Inuyasha quickly stood up and left crying as he looked back at the memory's of that beautiful demon that used to love him.

This is what demons do for love... So if you aren't in love with someone just take the time to talk properly to the other person and discus about what is better for both.

HELLO! I know this was a shot as fuck one shot but it made my heart broken. Is based on a friends life! Also thinks by right now I think I read something like this but I don't remember. Anyways hope you like it! ^-^

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