Chapter 1: The Move

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           "Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze."

Chapter 1: The Move

Evangeline's POV

"Seriously? You're obsessed! I never thought my own daughter would fall in love, I don't want to lose you to him!" I call to my daughter, who tinkers about in the kitchen. I think she's making a sandwich, but let's just say she's not the best in the kitchen.

"Mum, don't be absurd!" Mollie replies, her voice posh and loud. I swear I should never have sent her to a private school. We've moved to Canada from England and the change has been drastic. We've been here for a day and she's already pining over our next door neighbour. It wasn't long ago when I was her age, so I understand. "He's just gorgeous." She mumbles and shoves the sandwich in her mouth with a huff.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Now is there anything you need for school on Monday?" I start clearing away her mess, laughing as she crams more food in her face. She gets her appetite from me. Since Monday is two days away I need to make sure she has everything she needs.

"Not that I know of, I'll find out later. Now, can we go out for dinner tonight? Just us two?"

"Of course, only if we can get Italian." She nods in agreement, kisses my cheek and dashes out of the door. I swear she has endless amounts of energy, despite the fact she's sixteen. I gave birth to her when I was hardly a teen myself, at thirteen. It wasn't by choice but I refused to give her up as soon as she was placed in my arms. Her bright green eyes, which she got from me, and a burst of blonde hair that quickly transitioned into the long brown locks she has now.

She got accepted into one of the best private schools there is, so I immediately packed up and moved her here. She didn't protest nor did she mind, as she's always wanted the best education can give, she's a lot like me that way. Even though I was such a young mother, and I guess I still am, I'm quite well off. Not only because of my inheritance, but I worked long hours to save up my nest egg for if Mollie ever wants to go to uni.

Here, I got a job as a personal secretary to one of the best companies based here in Canada. Only problem is this billionaire is a jerk, and I hardly have time for a bully, luckily the salary is amazing and can help me to rent this two bedroom apartment and fund the nest egg with plenty to spare. I continue to unpack the kitchen things, stacking china plates, placing glasses and scattering appliances across the black marble. Thank God this apartment came decorated, it definitely has the white contemporary theme, that Mollie and I adore, with black and gold accents.

I get to work on the TV, hanging it up and plugging all the cables in before connecting Mollie's Xbox, the Virgin Media box, the Apple box and the Now TV box. We love TV, she's a gamer. She's tried many a time to teach me how to play but I tend to blow myself up so it never makes for a good competition. I place the rug in the middle of the grey laminate flooring before dragging the glass coffee table on top. I toss a black fur throw over the back of the white cotton sofa and one over the love seat before the cushions join them.

I set up the bookshelves stacking the books perfectly; I put together the glass cabinets and organise all of our DVD's, I head into the study and set up the rest of the bookshelves along with the Mac computer that Mollie begged me for. I make sure all of the utensils are neat before heading into the bathroom. All of the toiletries sit in the metal baskets, the bath mat rests on the floor and the soap sits atop the sink.

The parts that are going to take the longest are our bedrooms, we'll do Mollie's after dinner tonight then do mine tomorrow. "Mum! I'm home." I hear the twang of the keys as they hit the bowl by the door and the scuff of shoes as they're thrown off. Since it's Summer there's no need for coats quite yet.

"Okay," I drop next to her on the couch and she rest her head on my shoulder, "I was thinking after dinner we could unpack your room, then do mine tomorrow."

"Sounds good Evangeline." She says my full name to annoy me, I've always hated it when she calls me it. When it comes to her I feel like my only name is mum.

"Don't call me that." I huff out, playfully annoyed. She laughs and stands up quickly, dragging me up by my hand. "Ready to go then?" She nods and continues to pull me out to the Range Rover. We drive straight to Prezzo's and sigh in relief when we get a table. We order our favourite and entertain ourselves with mindless chatter. She gasps and turns her face away when a certain boy enters the room. He's adorable, I have to admit. His blond hair swept up neatly, bright blue eyes, pale skin, he even has a decent sense of style.

I haven't met him, and my daughter seems to be fixated on him. I hope to hell that he behaves himself, wouldn't want to kill someone. "Whatcha doing Mols?"

"Shh mum, can't you see I'm trying to hide?" She hisses, I roll my eyes and wave at him, he recognises me and heads over. I could feel Mollie's glare on my face, I almost laugh. "Hi Matthew." She says joyfully and he replies with the same gusto.

"Hi Miss Claire." He shakes my hand before bidding us goodbye and returning to his family.

"He seems nice." I watch as she stares at me in shock. "What?"

"I never thought you'd approve of any guy, you said so yourself!"

"Well I'll never think any of them is good enough for my baby girl, but if he's worth it to you, he's worth it to me." She grips my hand and thanks me before digging into the food that had just arrived. I thank the waiter and he hops away, quite literally. Need to befriend him, I think with a small smile. I dig into my pasta and watch as my daughter devours a whole pizza.

I swear she could eat for Britain, you know what, I'll change that to America. She sighs deeply and leans back in her chair, I pay the bill and follow Mollie out. We walk for a little while, heading no where in particular just enjoying each others company. 

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