Chapter 4: A Moment Alone

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"I just can't get you off my mind and why would I even try?"

Chapter 4: A Moment Alone

"She's worked for many other CEO's, I'm her favourite by the way, and she has a sixteen year old daughter named Mollie who goes to Charter."

"Wait she has a sixteen year old? That would mean she would've had her at thirteen!"

"Yeah, that's the thing. The poor girl was raped which made Mollie."

"That's dreadful, how's the relationship between them?"

"Unbelievably strong, I think it's because there's no bloke in their lives, so they've relied on each other."

"You're not gonna stop now you've found out that she has kid, are you?"

"No, if anything I'm going to try harder."

"Good man, now get going! Win her heart!"

"Aye aye captain." I shout playfully before heading back to the penthouse, not knowing what else to do. I heard myself that Eva's busy so I can't exactly call her and ask her to hang out, can I? Fuck it. I pick up the phone and dial her number.

"Hey Casper, is everything alright?"

"Yeah everything's fine, I was just hoping we could carry on from where we left off this morning." I trail off slightly.

"Sure that sounds great, since my daughter decided she's going to skip out on me for the boyfriend next door, where do you want me to meet you?"

"I can just come to yours if it'll make it easier." I actually just wanted to see if I could get to know her better if I see where she lives. She gives me her address and I arrive moments later. She swings the door open wearing nothing but shorts and a sheer t-shirt that shows her lace bra underneath it. I fight to keep control.

She steps aside and I walk into her apartment. It's definitely nice and very contemporary, something that unusually matches her personality. A few of her things are scattered about the place, but not enough to make it untidy just more lived in. They definitely like books and movies which, again, isn't far off from their personality. "Do want anything to drink or eat?" She asks as she throws my overcoat onto a hook.

"A coffee would be great." She nods and heads into the open plan kitchen. She makes herself a tea and me a coffee. "So Eva, why did you move here?"

"My daughter got into Charter, somewhere she's dreamed of going since she found out about it."

"So she's smart then?"

"She's incredibly bright, she got 'genius' on the IQ test. Something that I will never live down."

"How come?" She disappears for a moment, when she returns she slams down a photo frame with a picture of Mollie with the IQ results in front of her. The picture is signed 'Told ya I'd beat you mum!' "What did you get?"

"One mark less." She says nonchalantly.

"So I have a genius working for me."

"I wouldn't say genius Casper."

"Well I do."

"Thanks." A knock sounds at the door and she rolls her eyes, "I swear if that's Mollie I'll cry."


"Because I specifically told her to take her key, but does she listen? Hopefully." She hops over to the door, giving me a splendid view and a tightening in my chest. She swings open the door, looks at the person on the other side, then slams it.

"Evangeline open the door right now!" A low baritone voice demands, Eva doesn't seem the least bit effected. "I am your father and you will do as I say."

"Really? I remember the time you kicked me out of your house and said 'You're not my daughter anymore'." She shouts back.

"You took that wrong!"

"I was thirteen and pregnant, I needed you but you threw me away like last nights trash. So get the fuck away from me and my daughter!" He sighs deeply and a scraping noise sounds on the other side of the door. Moments later the door is open and her father walks into the room.

"You will listen to me."

"I'm more likely to listen to foster care people than you, because they're the ones that helped me. I swear to God if you don't get out I will get someone to do it for you." I stand up and walk behind Eva, her father watching me as I move.

"Who the fuck are you?" He snarls.

"This is Casper DeMarco." Eva introduces me and her father takes a step back.

"How did you bag this one? Did you sleep with him too?"

"Enough." I say lowly, which is enough to scare anyone. "You will leave and you won't come back or you will have to deal with me." Her father pales and sprints out, practically leaving a trail of dust behind him. Eva turns around with tears in her eyes, I pull her to my chest and she sobs into it. I rest my chin on her head and savour the fact that she's this close to me.

"I'm sorry about him, he's an idiot."

"I'm so sorry you had to do this on your own."

"It's not your fault, I think I did pretty well." She looks up at me with bright eyes despite the tears.

"I know you did." I kiss her forehead and she continues to cry into my shirt.

"Mama! What's wrong? What happened?" Mollie asks as she arrives. As soon as she hears Mollie's voice she pulls from my embrace, clears her face of tears and focuses on her daughter.

"Broderick came, decided it was time to ruffle my feathers." Sadness drips from every word and Mollie sweeps Eva into a hug. I wish dreadfully to do the same, but I couldn't steal her from her daughter. "Oh sorry, Mollie this is my boss Casper, Casper this is my daughter Mollie." We shake hands and her eyes linger on my jawline.

It seems both of the Claire women like sharp jawlines. I'll have to introduce Mollie to my nephew, he's about her age. "Wait I thought you were with.... Whatever his name is." Eva mumbles, adorably puzzled.

"His name is Matthew and I was, but I heard shouting so I came back. Besides he was watching the game with his dad, who seems to like you by the way, and they were supporting the wrong team."

"Dump his ass."

"I thought so too." Mollie replies with a huge grin on her face, "Sorry for stealing her from you Casper the Friendly Ghost." I chuckle softly at the nickname, I don't miss the shiver that it elicits in Eva.

"It's fine, you had her first. Besides I have to get going, wouldn't want to miss the meeting."

"Do you need me to come with you? Make notes?"

"I'll record it, would you be able to write them up tomorrow?" She nods gently and I head towards the door. Eva helps me into my coat and waves me goodbye as I head down the stairs. I know for sure that I can hardly wait until tomorrow. 

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