Chapter 7: Early Morning Kisses

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"Imagine meeting someone who understood even the dustiest corner of your mixed up soul."

Chapter 7: Early Morning Kisses

"Evangeline!" Casper calls, that's new, but damn does it sound nice. I say goodbye to Mandy and slide into Casper's office in front of him. He locks the door and with seconds his lips are on mine, I inhale sharply and react on instinct. He breaks the kiss and leans his forehead on mine.

"Evangeline?" I ask amused.

"I wanted to try it out, definitely sounds nice."

"What was that about?" Referring to the kiss.

"Well I haven't even spoken to you since seven o'clock last night, since you didn't respond to texts or calls so I was left pining for you silently, in my penthouse, with a bottle of scotch." He whispers into my ear, his voice laced with playfulness.

"So sorry." I retort and rub my nose on his. A loud knock sounds at the door and a voice that sounds suspiciously like Andy. I grin and fly over to the door, throwing it open, Andy stands there shocked before he covers it up. "Andrew DeMarco, what on Earth are you going here?"

"I don't have the slightest clue Evangeline Claire, you see I was going to see my brother but a young woman seems to be in my way."

"Is she pretty?" My grin widening.

"I'm not allowed to say, I'm sure my brother would kill me."

"Who's your brother?" I play dumb.

"I have one behind me and one behind you." I look behind Andy to see a well-built man into his early forties looking over me with curious eyes that are the darkest blue. They all have the same broad shoulders and sharp jawlines and are at least a few inches taller than me.

"Hi I'm Evangeline, but everyone calls me Eva." I put my hand out to shake and he does it quickly.


"All three DeMarco brothers in one room, I can't take the testosterone. I'll be in my office." They laugh at me as I make a quick beeline to my office. The door closing softly behind me. The phone rings and I rush to answer it. "Hello." I say politely.

'Hello, I'm calling to talk to Casper DeMarco.'

"He's busy right now, can I take a message?"

'Yes this is Rebekah Cloridge, I'm calling about a certain thing that happened last week. Make sure to tell him I would life to carry it on in the future. I'm sure you know, but me and him had quite the night. I mean damn is he good in the sack.'

"Of course Ms Cloridge, I'll get that right to him." I hand up quickly and steel my emotions. I write it down on a piece of paper, walk into Casper's office, place it on his desk and walk out like a boss. I knew the boys were looking at me with different stages of confusion but I ignored them. I head over to Mandy's desk and bug her for a little bit. Helping her with her calls and files.

Both Andy and Elijah walk over to me with looks of pity. I hate pity, I've had it my entire life. "I'm fine boys, chill out with the pity."

"But-" Elijah starts.

"I'm fine." I give each of them a pointed look but they don't move. I walk over to them and grab their arms, I walk them out of the lobby and to their car. "Look I appreciate your concern but it's Casper's choice, if he wants to sleep with her it's not my place to stop him."

"But what about you two together?" Andy protests lamely, almost like a petulant child.

"There is no together, that's just how it is." I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly and the boys seems to take this as a sign to leave it alone. They nod sadly and climb into their car before speeding away. I turn back to the building and sigh, back into the lion's den. Luckily I managed to avoid Casper all day as we were in meetings, which meant he couldn't talk to me. Thank God for pricing and statistics, wow never thought I'd say that.

At seven on the dot I walk out and drive home, Mollie called me earlier saying she's staying at her friend's overnight so she can study. So I have the apartment to myself, something I've always hated. I'm so used to having Mollie running about, whether in toddler form breaking and drawing on everything in sight or in teenage form where she falls over and eats everything in sight. We have both grown together, from a young girl holding a new born to a woman kissing her daughter good bye as she walks into secondary school with her boyfriend.

Starting to hate Matthew more and more right now even though she's not with him. I have a quick shower before sliding into my pyjamas. I put on a film and slowly doze off to the soft murmurings of the tv. A sharp knock wakes me up and I head over to the door, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I don't even look at the person on the other side.


Sorry this chapter's short, I was short on ideas and wanted it up as quickly as possible. Sorry for any spelling/grammar errors.

Hope you enjoyed. 

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