Chapter 6: Wrapped Around Your Little Finger

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"There are still a few men who love desperately." 

Chapter 6: Wrapped Around Your Little Finger

A huge pile of printed papers sits next to my computer neatly until Andy decides he's going to throw my door open, pushing a breeze that sends all of my beloved paperwork to the floor. "Andy you absolute idiot!" I shout at him and he stands by the door sheepishly. Casper comes running at my scream of fury and joins Andy at the door.

I stand up and place my hands on my hips. "What did I say about slamming my door open?" I demand, making both men stare at me in shock. "Well?"

"Not to do it." Andy mumbles softly ashamed, I hear a feminine laugh outside the door and a girl around my age walks in. She's tall, with short brown hair, dark blue eyes and a curvaceous figure that's accentuated by the blue body con she has on.

"I'm Marie, Andy's wife. Thank you for finally putting him in his place, everyone else is too scared to do it." She says with a soft laugh.

"I'm Eva," I hug her quickly before turning back to Andy. "I need you to pick all this up while I talk to your lovely wife." Casper laughs loudly at that. "Who said you're getting out of it mister?"

"What did I do?" He asks childishly, his lips twisting into a pout.

"You laughed. Have fun boys, oh and by the way they were ordered." They groan while us girls laugh, we head over to Mandy's desk and drop into the spare seats. "We need a girls night, where we can get drunk off our faces."

"Perfect, when?" Marie says all motherly.

"Friday?" I suggest. That's three days from now.

"Sounds good." Mandy replies.

"Yeah it does, I need to find a babysitter." Marie rubs her face as she thinks.

"I could always ask my daughter." I state.

"Are you sure? Might she be busy?"

"She's sixteen of course she's not, her Friday's are game nights so she refuses to go out. She's not really a party animal."

"Would she be able to deal with one nine year old and one six year old?"

"If I pay her enough she will." I reply with a short chuckle. We laugh softly and the boys come out of my office looking grumpy. "Do you see what I have to do everyday?" They nod solemnly, "How much effort it is?" They nod again. "So let's not make it harder for me than it already is, 'kay?" I cross my arms and they nod again.

"You've got them wrapped around your finger girl, I'm impressed." Marie says, a huge grin on her face.

"Having a daughter taught me a lot, see you on Friday?"

"Sure, here's my number." She hands us both a card.

"I'll tell you if Mols agrees." Marie nods and Andy takes her hand, she waves at us as she leaves. "I best get back to work, see you in a bit Mandy." She nods and turns back to her computer. I walk back to my office Casper following silently. He drops back onto the couch and spreads across the surface, I start stapling papers and placing them in the right places.

Casper's heated gaze on me the whole time, "Don't you have work to do?" I ask as I tinker about with my things.

"I've already done it." He replies and continues to stare at me.

"You're staring." I state.

"I'm gazing."

"It's creepy."

"It's romantic."

"Would you quit it?"

"Do you want me too?" He asks as he moves closer to me, his gaze never leaving my face. He backs me against a wall, so close I can feel his body heat through my clothes and his breath on my face.

"Just kiss me already." He doesn't take a second to plant his pink lips on mine, immediately electricity flows and he pushes me harder into the wall, as if he couldn't handle the distance between us. I wrap my hands around the back of his neck and pull at the strands of his hair, eliciting a deep groan from him. He wraps his arms around my waist and squeezes, I gasp in surprise. He takes this opportunity to drive his tongue into my mouth, immediately gaining dominance over my own. Thank God for his grip on me or I would've melted at his feet. I pull away when the need for oxygen becomes dire.

I rest my head on his chest and breath in as much oxygen as I can. I could feel his chest vibrate against my forehead as he laughs at me. "Jerk." I mumble with no conviction whatsoever.

"You don't really think that love." He calls me out and grips me impossibly tight.

"No but that's besides the point," I check the time and almost gasp, it's half seven, my poor daughter's probably starving since she can't cook. "I have to go otherwise Mollie will kill me, I hate to kiss and run." He laughs again and kisses my forehead.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I grab my things, straighten out my makeup and my dress before heading back to mine. Mollie's sat at the kitchen island, her head resting on it.

"Oh thank God! I thought I was gonna starve!" She shouts happily, she hugs me quickly before shoving me to the fridge. I chuckle and get to work, as soon as the meal is placed in front of her she demolishes it.

"Have you done your work?" She pushes a stack of papers my way as she continues to devour her third serving. I check through it and as promised she's finished every part, even the extension tasks. "This seems like too much for just one day of lessons." I gesture to the large pile.

"That's because I did the next week's worth."

"But you're only off for two more days."

"I got bored and I have the syllabus. I've already made a start on the reading list, took me an hour to read a two hundred page book. Not as fast as you, but still good."

"I'm impressed kiddo."

"So what did you do today?" There was no point in trying to hide anything from her, she can literally pull information out of me without even trying, I didn't give her all the details just most of them. "You totally put them in their place!" She giggles happily as I recount the story that was today. "What do we do now?"

"Well on Friday I was thinking about going out with Mandy and Marie, do you think you'd be able to babysit Marie's children?"

"For how long?"

"From around six until midnight at most, but her husband will probably pick them up."

"Oh my, how old are they?"

"One's six, the other's nine."

"I thought one of them would be my age."

"His eldest brother has a son who's seventeen, I'm sure you'll meet him soon enough." She rubs her hands together maniacally.

"Good good."

"I'm concerned about you."

"You made me."

"I'm not taking responsibility for that." We laugh at each other and slide on to the couch, watching a few movies before bed. As soon as I wake up the next morning I jolt out of my bed and get dressed quickly, I slick some makeup on, slide on my shoes and hop over to Mollie's room. Kiss on the forehead, cute note, leftover breakfast, leave. I arrive at the office a few minutes later, stopping to have a conversation with Mandy. 

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