Chapter 13: Family Dinner

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"I fell in love with the way you touched me without using your hands." 

Chapter 13: Family Dinner

Evangeline's POV

Xander seems nice, you can easily tell his sons take after him. They're all fiercely protective, good looking and smart. They're literally carbon copies of each other, luckily I bagged one of my own and Mollie did too. I know this family will be good for us. We've just gotten to Casper's penthouse, Danny decided he was going to come with us claiming he wants to make sure Mollie's okay.

As soon as we enter the apartment Mollie takes off to explore and I throw myself on the couch, exhausted from today's events. "Are you okay angel?" Casper asks and sits down, I lay my head in his lap and he combs his fingers through my hair.

"I'm just tired, it's only eleven AM and it's already been a dreadful day."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there." He mumbles, ashamed.

"It's not your fault Cas, Mollie and I are okay and we're here with you." He smiles breathtakingly.

"That's the first time you've called me Cas." He whispers sweetly. I smile and place a kiss on his hand. "I'm happy you're staying here, it's been way to empty."

"I would say I know how you feel but I don't. I've always had Mollie."

"I would've liked to have someone with me for most of my life, it's been much too lonely."

"Well you've got us now and I'm pretty sure you'll be seeing more of Danny."

"That I do, couldn't be happier." He kisses my head and I sigh in content. "What was that sigh for?"

"I'm happy and I'm safe and I'm with you." He chuckles and I shiver, as per usual. Mollie and Danny reappear and state that they're going out for ice cream, I tell her to keep me updated and keep her phone on her in case of an emergency. She agrees and skips out. I feel a certain sadness that my daughter's growing up. I always thought I'd have forever with her to myself but she's sixteen now with a boyfriend and I know he'll be taking up much of her time.

"They're never going to leave each other alone." Cas says with a laugh.

"They're a lot like us in that respect." I straddle his lap and he smiles up at me. His eyes never leaving my own.

"You're amazing."

"So are you." After that, no other word was said. We were too busy wrapped up in each other to talk, didn't want to ruin the heady passion that overwhelmed us. At three PM, I climb out of the destroyed bed with a lot of extra trouble considering Cas refused to let go of my waist. He laughs as I stand up, slightly wobbly. I shove him off the bed revealing his toned, and very naked, body.

"Thanks for that." He says huskily and I shiver.

"I'm getting in the shower."

"Is that an invitation?"

"Why yes it is." He backs me into the bathroom and you can guess what happened after. "No I have to get ready." I try to escape his arms with a hearty laugh. "I swear you're insatiable."

"Only with you." He purrs against my skin.

"No! You do realise my restraint is weak when it comes to you and I refuse to be late for your parents."

"Fine." He mumbles sadly with a childish pout twisting his perfect lips. Let's not get off track Eva, you've got to get ready. He lets me go and I slowly move away from his body, suddenly feeling cold. I get dressed while Cas lays on the bed playing on his phone his pout still in place. I head over and place a heated kiss on his upturned lips before pulling away with a smile.

"Get ready." I mumble against his skin before heading over to the mirror to do my makeup. It takes him another ten minutes to get up and put a suit on. I had already finished my make up by then, so I watch him as he gets dressed. I have to admit I prefer watching him take them off but at this point I don't have a choice but to comply.

"I'm home!" Mollie calls into the foyer and Cas grins. I guess he likes us calling the penthouse home. I roll my eyes and head out to Mollie. "Damn mum you look good!" She coos, gesturing to my black body con.

"Why thank you Mols, you might want to get ready. You've got half an hour to doll yourself up, Danny'll be there." That one sentence gets her to hop off to her room so fast she practically leaves dust behind her. Cas comes up behind me and rests his arms around my waist and his chin on my head. "Are you looking forward to tonight?"

"I guess, a room filled to the brim with DeMarco's and then my two little Claire's sounds sort of appealing." I smile and pull him to the kitchen, grabbing myself a tea and him a coffee. We talk as we drink, waiting for Mollie to appear. She walks out of her room twenty minutes later in a lace, white skater skirt and some black heels.

"You look amazing!" I say as she heads over, she blushes softly and leans on the kitchen island.

"She's right about that, kid." Cas states and Mollie's blush darkens. She's never liked being in the spotlight unless it's about her grades. She will tell anyone and everyone if she did well on something.

"Thank you. Are we leaving soon?" She asks quickly.

"Desperate to see lover boy?" I inquire.

"Maybe." She sings and heads to the door. "Coming or not?" I take the mugs and put them in the sink before following Mollie out, Cas hot on my tail. We arrive at a huge mansion half an hour later, Mollie and I gawk at it's beauty. The rose trellises and the gorgeous white stone, the lush gardens trimmed to perfection and the paving stones perfectly clean.

Cas helps us both out of the car and wraps my arm around the crook of his elbow. Mollie walks in ahead of us, eager to see Danny. She laughs happily when he appears behind her and swings her into his arms. When we get to the main room many people mill about talking, drinking everything. Rachel comes over looking frazzled.

"Are you okay Rachel?"

"No the bartender got sick and I don't know what to do."

"Oh I can do that, I used to bartend when I was younger."

"Oh perfect, I'm so sorry." Rachel says with pleading eyes.

"It's fine, I'm quite happy to do it." I head over to the bar and start taking orders, serving them as quickly as possible while talking to them. After a few drinks I was back in my groove and I went without a glitch.

"Hi there could I get a Cosmo." A woman of around forty asks, her face kind but her voice filled with power.

"Of course." I get to work and she watches me with cold eyes, scrutinising my every move.

"Eva, my love, how are you doing?" Xander asks as he heads over. "I'm so sorry, you're supposed to be a guest here with Casper."

"I'm doing great, how are you?"

"I'm wonderful my dear, I'm sorry this is my sister Laura, Laura this is my son's girlfriend Eva."

"It's nice to meet you." I say to Laura with a small nod. I don't think Laura likes the fact I'm the help. I serve her the drink and she walks away.

"Sorry about her, she's been entitled since birth."

"It's quite alright, is there anything I can get you?"

"No I'm fine thanks, call me over if anything goes wrong." I nod and he speeds off to Rachel. Warm arms find their way around my waist and I chuckle softly.

"You're restricting my ability to serve." I mumble to Casper.

"I'm so sorry, but I do believe I'm your boss. I can do as I wish."

"Oh really? I thought I was boss."

"Yes put him in his place." Andy says with a drunken laugh. He stumbles and lands face down on the floor with a loud slam. Everyone turns to him and rolls their eyes with ill-contained laughs.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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