Chapter 8: Old Friends

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"True love is a durable fire, in the mind ever burning." 

Chapter 8: Old Friends

"Wow nice to see you too." It couldn't be. My eyes snap open at lock on to my old foster brother Theo.

"No way Theo! You're here! Like really here." He grins and sweeps me into his arms, a gesture I've missed over the last few years since we had only been talking over the phone. "I missed you so goddamn much! You're staying here with us by the way, Mollie won't be home tonight you can take her bed but I'll sort out the sofa bed for tomorrow." I hop into the kitchen, Theo following closely behind.

I make some tea for me and a cappuccino for him. He guzzles it down and throws himself into my fridge. "Uh do you mind?"

"No I babysit." He replies quickly.

"Ha ha how funny." Another person knocks at the door and I roll my eyes, how many more unexpected guests are going to turn up? "Can you get that? I'll make you some food."

"On it." He sprints to the door and swings it open while I get to work on making him a sandwich. He's very fussy, it has to be the dressing, the meat, the cheese, the lettuce, then more cheese, then more meat. It then has to be cut into triangles not squares. He goes psycho otherwise. He walks back in with Casper hot on his tail who I ignore. "Aww you remembered!" He cheers, kisses my forehead and drops onto the couch, turning the TV on as he does so.

"Make yourself at home why don't ya?"

"Yeah I will thanks." I throw a spoon at the back of his head and he hisses in pain. He pokes his tongue out at me before turning back to the TV. I shut the door between the kitchen and the lounge and turn to Casper.

"What is it?" I ask as I tidy everything away. He stills my hands and forces me to look at him. "Are you going to explain or stand there like a weirdo for the rest of the evening?"

"Listen I don't want anything to do with Rebekah, I broke it off last week before I even met you. She's nothing compared to you, I don't even see her anywhere, you are all I want Evangeline. All I want. I don't want some plain playboy bunny trying to take my attention away from you when you deserve every bit of it. She means nothing to me anymore, but you. You take up my every thought." He grasps my cheek in his large hand, his eyes shining with truth.

I smile softly, I grab the back of his neck and gently lower his lips on to mine. This kiss is unlike the others, this one filled with care and passion. He makes no move to deepen it, enjoying how we are. I pull back and lean my forehead on his, "I wasn't mad by the way."

"You weren't?"

"I understand that you have your past, I have mine. And my past's already bitten me on the ass, I was just waiting for yours." I reply with a soft giggle.

"You get better and better by the second you know." He swoops back down and captures my lips for another few but brilliantly passionate seconds. We snap apart when a loud squeal sounds from the lounge, I run in and there stands Mollie squeezing the life out of Theo.

"I missed you so goddamn much!" She smacks him and grins widely. "You're staying here with us right?"

"Yes, of course." I say for him and he grins at me. His eyes wide with mischievousness. "I'm gonna regret this, aren't I?" I sigh playfully, "Anyway, Mols what are you doing home?"

"I'm grabbing my stuff then heading over to Alison's."

"Okay dear." Mollie skips off and appears seconds later, "I packed it this morning, there's way too much testosterone in here. Good luck mum!" She kisses Theo and I goodbye and waves to Casper before walking out, slamming the door behind her.

"Oh right, best introduce you two. Theo this is Casper, Casper this is Theo." They shake hands, but I can still sense the tension. Casper's phone rings and he sighs at the name.

"I best get going." He mumbles, he kisses my head and glares slightly at Theo, almost in warning. 


So sorry, keep dishing out short chapters but the longer ones are coming in future.

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