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"Camping with friends? That's not very Selene of you." I laughed, lightly hitting Jessie's arm. He stood in our small kitchen while cooking something that smelled like chicken. "I know it's not, but it seemed fun and I needed to get out. I needed to see something more than just hospital walls..." I trailed off when I saw him freeze. "I didn't mean it like that Jessie..."

"I know you didn't. Mom understands that you need some time out of there, I mean, she's always trying to set you up with the nurses kids so you can go hang out." I gave a stale laugh while tucking my legs under me on the counter. Jessie moved back to Beacon Hill's about a year ago, when mom started getting worse. She was stage four cancer, and I had been the one to take care of her until it started getting worse. Jessie came back to raise me since mom got hospitalized.

I know what you're thinking, where's the dad? That ship sailed long ago when he left us when I was about seven. I didn't hate the guy, but it sure pissed me off he would leave someone like my mother alone to raise two kids. I had no association to him. The only guy I looked up to now was Jessie. His dark hair needed to be cut, and frankly the boy needed to learn what a shirt was.

"So shouldn't you get back to school? You don't want to get left behind." I had already packed my bag, nothing more than a spare of clothes and some money. I jumped off the counter, my boots pounding the floor.

"I guess so. Will you be fine without me?" I was joking, but yet I was serious. Mom was slipping, more and more by the day, and I rarely saw Jessie. The real one that is...he always put on his warrior face whenever I was around now. I understand I was his baby sister and that he had to protect me, but he was hurting himself by doing this. He was my brother, and since mom was in the hospital, he was getting harder to talk to.

"I'll be fine. But you—promise me you won't do drugs. And if you do take drugs, I will be severely angry because I wasn't there to laugh at you." I punched him in the shoulder, giving a quick kiss on the cheek. "Later loser; oh, and if you need me call me." He quickly shoed me out of the apartment and didn't go back in until he saw me go into the elevator. I was standing there when I was violently hit with a wave of nausea. I grabbed the railing in the elevator, already being sucked into darkness.

I was back in the wall. It almost seemed smaller, with me barely able to slide over to where Derek was at. His face was still visible from where I moved the webs earlier. "Derek?" I crouched down, lightly tapping his face. "Derek you can fight this, you got to get out of here." My small hands cupped his face. He was so cold, my skin burned against his. He groaned, his eyes fluttering. "Derek, c'mon I don't have much longer." Suddenly, his eyes opened. Instead of them being dark, they were a brilliant, soulless, ice blue. I flinched as a roar escalated from his throat, the whole structure shaking.

Back in reality, I felt like I was honestly going to be sick. I got off the elevator, going outside. The warmth of the air felt nice in my lungs. I was tired of this lame cold weather. I took deep breaths, trying to focus. Why did I go back? I wasn't given any clue. Except that he was still breathing. I went over to my bike; a nineteen fifties Suzuki. Roaring it to life, I left the parking lot without even putting a helmet on. The town zipped past me, my eyes only seeing Derek's face then. Something felt different this time. He was cold, and his heartbeat was slow, but it wasn't like he was dying. It was he was hibernating.

The school appeared and I pulled up next to Stiles car. Kira, Malia, Lydia, Stiles, and Scott were all there. "Where have you been?"

"In Mexico," I retorted smartly. "I went back into another vision. I didn't get much; I was still trapped in the wall with Derek. Werewolves can't hibernate can they?" Lydia and Malia turned to Scott in what looked like anger. "She knows?"

Ghost in the Shadows (A Teen Wolf fan-fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin